(a)   This section establishes the minimum standards by which vehicular use areas will be landscaped and screened from adjacent public streets or from adjacent properties. In addition, this section delineates standards for landscaping within the interior of parking areas.
   (b)   Whenever required landscaping is adjacent to vehicular use areas, such screening shall be protected by bollards, wheel blocks, or curbing to avoid damage by vehicles.
   (c)   Perimeter Landscaping Required in the CB District.
      (1)   The perimeter landscaping requirements of this subsection shall apply to all off-street vehicular use areas adjacent to a public street in a CB District where there are ten (10) or more parking spaces.
      (2)   Vehicular use areas adjacent to public streets in the CB District shall be separated from the edge of the right-of-way by a perimeter landscape strip no less than five (5) feet in width.
      (3)   The landscape strip shall contain a decorative fence with a minimum opacity of fifty percent (50%).
      (4)   The landscaping strip shall also include evergreen shrubs or hedges that form a continuous visual screen with a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches above grade.
      (5)   The landscape strip shall be covered with ground cover where not planted with trees or shrubs.
      (6)   Perimeter landscape strips shall be continuous and unbroken except for driveways to access the parking area, sidewalks, or paved trails.
   (d)   Parking Lot Landscaping Required.
      (1)   The landscaping requirements of this section shall apply to all parking lots that contain fifty (50) parking spaces or more. Parking lots in the CB and GI Districts shall be exempt from the landscaping requirements of this subsection.
      (2)   These parking lot landscaping requirements shall be in addition to any other screening landscaping or requirements as specified in this chapter.
      (3)   The parking lot landscaping shall include at least one (1) shade tree and two (2) shrubs per twenty (20) parking spaces that shall be located either:
         A.   Within landscaped islands located within the parking lot; or
         B.   Between the parking lot and public street to serve as a streetscape for the parking lot.
      (4)   The parking lot landscaping shall be located in a manner where there is no impairment to visibility of motorists or pedestrians (See Section 1109.01.).
      (5)   Landscaped Islands. Where landscaped islands are used to fulfill the requirements of this subsection, the following standards shall apply:
         A.   The landscape islands shall be scattered throughout the parking area to break up large areas of pavement. Landscaped islands that are designed as extensions from the perimeter landscaping areas shall also be considered as parking lot landscaping for the purposes of this subsection. See Figure 1111-A.
Figure 1111-A: The above images show different options for landscaped islands.
         B.   Landscape islands shall have a minimum size of 100 square feet with a minimum dimension of five (5) feet in any direction to provide a suitable living environment for the landscaping.
         C.   If an existing tree is to be used to meet the requirements of this subsection, the landscape island shall be equal in size to the tree's drip line area to protect the root system of the existing tree.
         D.   As an alternative to this standard, landscaped islands designed as stormwater infiltration islands that comply with the following standards, may be permitted.
            i.   Incorporate curb cuts or flat curbs along the edges of the island that allow water to flow into the island;
            ii.   Create a shallow depression of six (6) to eighteen (18) inches to allow for ponding in the island;
            iii.   Locate ponding areas at least ten (10) feet away from any building foundations to ensure that the ponded water does not drain to foundations;
            iv.   Include perennial flowers, ornamental grasses, shrubs and edges created by attractive walls, pavers or a band of turf, in order to create an attractive appearance in the island;
            v.   Include plants that tolerate snow storage and winter salt and sand; and
            vi.   Plant the tallest flowers and shrubs in the deepest part of the island.
Figure 1111-B: The above is an image of a stormwater infiltration island used in a parking area.
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)