The following identifies the minimum landscape and screening standard requirements for all developments.
   (a)   Installation Timing. If plantings cannot be completed prior to building occupancy due to weather or other conditions that prevent planting, the ZEO has the authority to grant a six (6) month extension for installation of plantings. Failure to install by such timeline shall be considered a violation of this code.
   (b)   Plant Materials.
      (1)   All plant material shall be sound, healthy, live plants installed and maintained in accordance with acceptable nursery industry procedures.
      (2)   All plant materials shall be installed prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued by the State of Ohio.
      (3)   Shrubs shall be installed at a minimum height of two (2) feet.
      (4)   Trees.
         A.   Evergreen trees shall be installed at a minimum height of six (6) feet.
         B.   Shade (deciduous or canopy) trees shall be installed at a minimum caliper of two (2) inches as measured at the diameter at breast height (DBH).
         C.   Ornamental trees shall be installed at a minimum caliper of one and one-half (1½) inches at DBH.
         D.   Trees that drop fruits, berries, or seeds shall be prohibited from use as part of any landscaping requirement where the tree or its canopy will hang over vehicular use areas, sidewalks, or other paved areas.
         E.   Invasive species identified in OAC 901:5-30-01 shall be prohibited.
         F.   Trees should be pollution resistant.
         G.   To curtail the spread of disease or insect infestation in a plant species, if a new development contains over twenty (20) trees, the application should include diversity in plant choices.
      (5)   Any trees, shrubs, or landscaping materials used to meet the standards of this chapter shall be required to meet the height and size standards of this section. Any trees, shrubs, or landscaping materials incorporated onto a site that exceeds the amount required by this chapter may be of any size.
   (c)   Accessways. Necessary accessways shall be permitted to traverse required landscaping and screening areas. The width of such accessways shall not be subtracted from the linear dimensions used to determine the minimum number of trees and shrubs required in this chapter.
   (d)   Fencing and Walls.
      (1)   All fencing or walls used for screening purposes shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height and shall be one hundred percent (100%) in opacity.
      (2)   Placement of fencing and walls shall comply with Section 1109.03(f) and 1109.03(g).
      (3)   All fences used to meet the landscaping requirements of this chapter shall have a minimum two (2) inch open space below the fencing material, not including support structures, to provide for the natural flow of storm water.
   (e)   Mounds and Berms.
      (1)   Earthen mounds and berms shall have a maximum slope of 3:1 (three feet of horizontal space is required for each one (1) foot vertical change in elevation).
      (2)   The crest or top of the mound shall be rounded with elevation changes maintained one (1) foot off of the centerline of the mound.
      (3)   Earthen mounds or berms shall be designed and constructed with variations in physical alignment throughout the length of the mound or berm.
      (4)   Mounds and berms shall be designed to comply with all applicable storm water regulations to prevent the redirection of stormwater onto an adjacent lot.
   (f)   Location.
      (1)   No trees shall be planted that will interfere with the operation and maintenance of any utilities including, but not limited to, drainage structures, sanitary sewer, and water lines.
      (2)   All required landscaping and screening materials shall be installed on the subject property requiring the landscaping and screening.
      (3)   Perimeter landscaping and/or landscaped areas used for screening shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet.
         (Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)