The City Director of Law shall be elected for a term of four years and shall serve until his or her successor is elected and qualified. He or she shall be an elector of the City. He or she shall be paid a salary as Council, from time to time, provides by separate ordinance, but shall not, during the term of his or her office, have such salary schedule altered. He or she shall, for and in consideration of such salary, prepare all contracts, bonds and instruments in writing in which the City is interested, draw all legislation, attend all regular and special Council meetings, and serve the several directors and officers provided in Ohio R. C. Title VII as legal counsel and attorney. Further, for and in consideration of such salary, the Director of Law shall be prosecuting attorney of the Mount Vernon Municipal Court and shall prosecute all criminal matters originating in such Court and shall, as required, continue all such court appearances to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals of Knox County and the Supreme Court of the State, as required.
(Ord. 1981-38. Passed 11-9-81.)