Lot requirements in the Public, Semipublic District are:
   (a)   Minimum Lot Area: None, except that lot size shall be adequate to meet all yard and parking requirements.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Width: None, except that all lots must abut a public street and have adequate width to meet the parking and yard space requirements.
   (c)   Minimum Front Yard: Thirty feet. Pavement areas shall be at least ten feet from the right-of-way.
   (d)   Minimum Side Yard: For structures, fifteen feet. For pavement areas, seven feet.
   (e)   Minimum Rear Yard: For structures, fifteen feet, twenty feet when abutting residential districts. For pavement areas, seven feet.
   (f)   Parking Areas shall be no closer to main structures than ten feet.
   (g)   Maximum Lot Coverage: For structures, outdoor storage, open service and pavement areas, eighty-five percent (85%). The remainder of the site shall be landscaped with natural vegetation. (Ord. 2005-34. Passed 12-12-05.)