Ord. No. Date Description
196 6-28-10 Land for alley purposes from Eliza R. Cooper.
206 7-11-10 Land for addition to Mound View Cemetery.
221 10-24-10 Land to open Oak St.
231 1-9-11 Land for Mound View Cemetery.
289 8-26-12 Property for Mound View Cemetery.
350 10-20-13 Land for opening and extending E. Water St.
360 11-20-13 Property for a sewerage treatment plant and trunk line sewer.
377 1-19-14 Property for a sewerage treatment plant and trunk line sewers and repealing part of Ord. 360 of 11-20-13.
449 5-3-15 Land for armory purposes.
537 4-3-16 Land next to Knights of Pythias Armory Bldg.
636 6-18-17 Land for Mound View Cemetery.
1919-22 9-8-19 Land for Cemetery Department from E. Bartlett.
1929-33 8-12-29 Lots 390, 391 and part of 407 in Trimble's Addition.
56-3 1-20-56 3 tracts in Homeside Addition for cemetery purposes.
57-3 1-7-57 Purchase of property in Homeside Allotment for cemetery purposes.
1965-37 12-6-65 Authorizes purchase of 5-7 Ridgewood Ave.
1967-4 2-6-67 Property fronting on Newalk Rd. and bounded on the south by Ames St. from Charles Bumpus.
1972-39 9-25-72 Part of Lot 159 of original plat from E.C. Owens.
1977-30 5-16-77 Accepting real property and authorizing lease of same re L.B. Mt. Vernon Inc. Project.
Res.1981-92 12-21-81 Purchase from Kenneth Dennis and Mason Ash of parts of Lots 141 and 142.
1986-03 1-13-86 Purchase of two parcels of land for $30,000.
Res. 983-34 4-18-83 5.46 acres belonging to the Mount Vernon Board of Education for $1.00.
Res.1982-44 6-21-82 Real estate from the estate of Robert W. Fleming for $65,000.
Res.1992-23 5-18-92 Authorizes purchase of real property on which is to be built the Eastside Elevated Water Storage Tank.
1995-32 11-20-95 Authorizes purchase of real estate for $75,000.
Res.1997-102 10-20-97 Authorizes the purchase of 33 acres of real estate.
Res.1997-124 1-12-98 Authorizes the purchase of property for the fire station.
Res.1999-18 3-8-99 Authorizes the acquisition of required right of way property on the Coshocton Ave. Project from R.D. Zande and Associates.
Res.1999-80 10-11-99 Purchase of 22.49 acres known as the Beckholt Property for purposes of a water well field.
Res.2000-08 3-13-00 Purchase of property required for the Coshocton Ave. Improvement Project Phase I and II.
Res.2000-116 8-15-00 Purchase of 80.754 acres located in the Peter Davis Farm Subdivision.
Res.2000-71 8-28-00 Purchase of the Robert Lee Office Building at 3 North Gay St.
Res.2003-36 4-28-03 Authorizes purchase of property required for the South Main St. Improvement Project.
Res.2003-66 7-28-03 Authorizes the application to the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund to purchase 53 acres along Blackjack Road to be utilized as a wetland park.
Res.2006-68 8-14-06 Authorizes the purchase of 24.842 acres and to accept the donation of an additional 1.851 acres from the Grandstaff Family Trust.
Res.2008-56 7-1-08 Authorizes the Safety-Service Director to purchase the property identified as Parcel 66-07567 a portion of which is required for future roadway improvements to South Sandusky Street.
Res.2008-57 7-1-08 Authorizes the Safety-Service Director to purchase property for the Blackjack Road Improvement Project.
Res.2008-58 7-1-08 Authorizes the Safety-Service Director to enter into contract for the purchase of a twenty foot strip of property from the east side of Parcel #66-04632 required for the future improvement of South Sandusky Street.
Res.2010-28 3-22-10 Authorizes the purchase of four parcels of property totaling 3.116 acres as an addition to Foundation Park.
2010-11 5-24-10 Authorizes the purchase the property known as 71 Sychar Road.
Res.2010-63 9-27-10 Authorizes an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for purchase of property and easements required for the Coshocton Avenue Improvement Project.
Res.2011-17 3-14-11 Authorizing the purchase of three parcels of property totaling 2.429 acres to facilitate the construction of the connector road from Coshocton Avenue to Yauger Road.
Res.2011-34 5-23-11 Authorizing the purchase of Parcel 66-03355 known as Lot 259 in Walkers Addition.
2012-03 2-27-12 Authorizing the Safety Service Director to purchase the property known as 100 North Sandusky Street (Parcel #66-03856).
Res.2012-23 4-9-12 Authorizing the purchase of the Dan Emmett Conference Center, located at 160 Howard St. from Knox County Properties, LLC.
Res.2012-43 7-9-12 Authorizing the purchase of .592 acres known as 856 Coshocton Ave.
Res.2012-63 9-24-12 Authorizes the purchase of vacant property at the northeastern corner of the intersection of South Norton St. and Madison Ave.
Res.2012-76 12-10-12 Authorizing the purchase of 820 Coshocton Ave.
Res.2014-32 4-28-14 Authorizing the purchase of 25.123 acres of land on Harcourt Road.
Res.2014-98 11-24-14 Authorizing the purchase of the property known as 102 North Sandusky Street, (Parcel #66-05572.000) for $190,000.
Res.2016-82 11-14-16 Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to purchase properties from Pechiney Plastic Packaging, Inc.
2019-51 5-28-19 Authorizing the purchase of the property known as 301 West Vine Street, (Parcel #66-00361.000).
2019-127 12-9-19 Authorizing the Safety Service Director to accept the donation of property from the Mt. Vernon Development Company known as Parcel #66-06302.000 (.681 acres).
2019-132 12-23-19 Authorizing agreements to acquire, by either purchase or accept by donation, either in whole or in part, the following nine (9) pieces of property with the following permanent parcel numbers: 66-09491.000, 66-04632.000, 66-05406.000, 66-05405.000, 66-05905.000, 66-05518.000, 66-03410.000, 66-01594.000 and 66-50289.000.
2021-04 1-27-21 Authorizing agreements to acquire in whole or in part the following seven (7) pieces of property with the following permanent parcel numbers: 6605520.000, 66-02493.00, 66-02490.000, 66-02494.000, 66-09676.000, 66-01212.000, and 66-01590.000.
2021-05 1-27-21 Authorizing agreements to acquire in whole or in part the following two (2) pieces of property with the following permanent parcel numbers: 66-00826.000 and 66-02042.000.
2022-45 4-25-22 Authorizing agreements to acquire, by either purchase or accept by donation, either in whole or in part, the following four (4) pieces of property with the following permanent parcel numbers: 66-00499.000, 66-05506.000, 66-03852.000 and 66-03852.001.
2023-87 11-27-23 Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to accept the donation of two parcels of property from the Wesley L. Kline Trust known as Parcel No. 66-03989.010 and Parcel No. 66-03989.011.
2024-06 1-22-24 Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to acquire in whole or in part a single parcel of property, permanent parcel number 71-00002.000.
2024-20 2-12-24 Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into agreements to acquire additional right of way to complete the Mansfield Avenue Project (KNO-CR5-0.47).