(a)   License Required; Fee.
      (1)   No peddler shall sell or offer for sale in this City any goods, merchandise or services, or act as a door-to-door salesperson in intrastate commerce, calling at residences or places of business without first having secured from the City Clerk a license therefor. The fee of such license shall be as follows:
         A.   For one day: $10.00
         B.   For one week: $25.00
         C.   For one year: $100.00
      (2)   All fees collected shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund.
   (b)   Exceptions. No license shall be required of a farmer or producer who is selling the product of his own farm, or of a bona-fide representative of a charitable, church or religious organization who is selling exclusively books or tracts published by a religious group, or other goods or merchandise sold in connection with an appeal to charitable or religious purposes, such latter class of sales being governed by the registration requirements of Section 753.05 .
   (c)   Duties of Licensee. No door-to-door salesperson's or peddler's license shall be transferable nor shall it be used by any person other than the licensee. Such license must be exhibited on request to any law enforcement officer or to any prospective customer. No licensee shall wear any part of the uniform of any of the armed forces of the United States while actually engaging in door-to-door sales or peddling.
   (d)   Investigation; License Revocation.
      (1)   Upon a written complaint being filed with the Police Division that door-to-door sales person in intrastate commerce or any peddler is suffering from a communicable disease or has made himself obnoxious to the public by the use of indecent, profane or insulting language, or the unsanitary condition of his person or clothing, an investigation shall be made, and if such complaint is found to be true, the license of such door-to-door sales person or peddler shall be revoked by the Director of Safety-Service;
      (2)   Any license issued hereunder shall be revoked by the Director of Safety-Service if the holder thereof is convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or any applicable ordinance of this City, or has made a false statement in the application;
      (3)   Immediately upon such revocation, written notice thereof shall be given by the Director of Safety-Service to the holder of the license in person or by certified U.S. Mail addressed to his or her residence address as set forth in the application. Immediately upon the giving of such notice, the license shall become null and void.
         (Ord. 1993-17. Passed 9-20-93.)