Ord. No.   Date                  Description
      6-5-1871   Cleveland, Mt. Vernon & Delaware RR to cross certain streets.
      11-5-1883   C. & G. Cooper Co. to build track across Norton, West and Sandusky Sts.
      4-26-1886   Cleveland Akron & Columbus RR to cross W. Chestnut St.
      3-11-07   Mt. Vernon Electric Rwy. to construct track.
      7-8-07      Mt. Vernon Rwy. & Light Co. to extend tracks over certain streets.
311      2-24-13   Mt. Vernon Bridge Co. 5 tracks across W. Burgess St.
377      1-19-14   The City of Mt. Vernon through lands of C. A. & C. RR.
505      11-22-15   Cleveland, Akron & Cincinnati RR side track across Chestnut St.
1919-23   9-8-19      Knox Tire & Rubber Co. for roadway at the end of Jefferson St. for entry into premises.
1919-37   12-22-19   Baltimore & Ohio RR to use west side of S. Norton St. to extend their freight platform.
1920-18   6-21-20   Baltimore & Ohio RR for switch across W. Gambier St.
1925-16   11-23-25   Mt. Vernon Bridge Co. for track across Greenwood Ave.
1926-5      6-14-26   C. & G. Cooper Co. to lay railroad track across Greenwood St. and Austin Ave. and an alley.
51-50      12-3-51   Ohio Power Co. to construct power lines in Range 13-W, Clinton Twp.
51-54      12-23-51   Cooper-Bessemer Co. to construct tunnel under Greenwood Ave.
51-56      12-28-51   Cooper-Bessemer Co. to lay railroad track across Greenwood Ave.
52-22      6-2-52      Ohio Power Co. to construct a power line.
53-58      11-2-53   To the City from Pennsylvania RR and Timken Co.
1968-18   7-22-68   Conveyance of easement right to Joseph O. Trace.
1977-3      2-21-77   Appropriates construction easement and fee simple in Parcels 49T and 49WD.
1977-5      2-21-77   Appropriates construction easement in Parcel 36T.
1977-6      2-21-77   Appropriates construction easement and fee simple title in Parcels 23A-T and 23A-ED.
1977-8      2-21-77   Appropriates construction easement in Parcel 31T.
1978-39   10-16-78   To Mulberry Street United Methodist Church on Woodberry and Walnut Alleys and to City on same alleys.
1979-1      1-15-79   To City from Bill and Margery Mitchell for utility installation and maintenance.
Res. 1998-11   2-23-98   To Thomas and Charlotte Trace for property located at 400 South Main St.
1998-25   5-26-98   To Walter Butler of 120 Cliff St. over part of Ridgely St.
1998-53   11-23-98   To Etta Wolfe of 107 East Pleasant St. over part of Myrtle Alley of the H.B. Curtis Addition.
Res. 1999-45   6-28-99   To Gus and Anastasia Bizios for property located at 101 East Gambier St.
Res. 2000-74   9-11-00   To James and Pamela Parker for property located at 521 East Gambier St.
2001-21   5-29-01   To George and Linda Small of 100 Parrott St. over a part of Fairmont Ave. in Block A of Vernonview Addition.
Res.2001-81   8-27-01   Grants a permanent easement for the property located at 9 Wooster Road which encroaches 8 inches onto the City right of way.
Res.2003-25   3-10-03   Authorizes the Safety-Service Director to sign the deed on the conservation easement to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
Res.2003-67   7-28-03   Authorizes a 20 foot wide gas pipeline easement to Columbia Gas Co. parallel and adjacent to the northwesterly right-of-way line of Wooster Road.
Res.2003-75   8-25-03   Grants a permanent easement for property located at 100 Parrott St.
Res.2004-50   6-28-04   Grants a permanent easement to Richard and JoAnne Snow for property located at 810 East High St.
Res.2004-82   9-27-04   Grants a permanent easement to Richard and JoAnne Snow for property located at 810 East High St.
2004-98   11-22-04   Grants a permanent easement to Suzanne Cochran for property located at 205 East Gambier St.
Res.2004-103   12-13-04   Grants a permanent easement to David and Mia Cunningham for property located at 944 East High St.
Res.2006-11   3-13-06   Grants a permanent easement to David and Ellen Culbertson for property located at 403 East High St.
Res.2006-54   6-12-06   Purchase of an easement from the State of Ohio in the area of the Mount Vernon Development Center.
Res.2006-63   8-24-06   Grants a permanent easement to John Yuhasz for property located at 401 Walnut St. which encroaches into Elm St. right of way.
Res.2006-72   8-28-06   Grants a Conservation easement to Owl Creek Conservancy.
Res.2006-81   9-25-06   Grants a permanent easement to Mark Ramser for property located at 201 West High St. which encroaches into North Mechanic St.
Res.2006-89   10-23-06   Grants a permanent easement to Outback Properties for property located at 203 East Vine St. which encroaches into the alley right of way.
Res.2007-32   5-14-07   Grants a permanent easement to The Main Place for property at 117 West High St.
Res.2008-23   4-14-08   Repeals Res.2006-72 granting a Conservation easement to Owl Creek Conservancy.
Res.2009-41   4-13-09   Grants a permanent easement for the property located at 1013 West Chestnut Street, more specifically Lot 9 and Lot 10 of the Charles G. Smith Addition (a survey of said property is attached as Exhibit A) which encroaches into Elm Avenue right-of-way.
Res.2010-51   8-23-10   Grants a permanent easement for the property known as 25 Sychar Road, which encroaches into a public alley right-of-way.
Res.2012-82   12-10-12   Grants a permanent easement for the property known as 11 South Mulberry St., which encroaches into South Mulberry St. by approximately 2.5 feet.
Res.2013-88   12-23-13   Grants an easement in Green Alley adjacent to 403 East Ohio Avenue.
Res.2014-02   1-27-14   Grants an easement to the Ohio Power Company through the City of Mount Vernon’s Memorial Park.
Res.2014-20   2-24-14   Authorizing the release of two sewer easements on Columbus Road, and to record a new easement when granted by the landowner.
Res.2014-31   5-12-14   Grants an easement upon the Public Square to the Mount Vernon Nazarene University.
Res.2014-40   5-27-14   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to record highway easements for the northeast and northwest corners of the intersection of West Chestnut and North Sandusky Streets.
Res.2014-51   6-9-14   Grants a utility right-of-way easement upon City property to the Ohio Cumberland Gas Company.
Res.2014-52   7-28-14   Authorizes the Safety Service Director to execute a supplemental right-of-way and easement upon City property to the Ohio Power Company.
Res.2014-63   9-8-14   Grants an easement in Plumb Alley to the Woodward Development Corporation.
Res.2014-88   11-10-14   Grants an easement in the City right-of-way of West Gambier Street.
Res.2014-99   12-8-14   Authorizes the Safety Service Director to accept an easement from Knox County Properties, Inc. over a 1.718 acre portion of Parcel 12-0265.000.
Res.2014-103   12-22-14   Grants an easement in the City right-of-way of Blackberry Alley.
Res.2015-28   2-23-15   Grants an easement in the City right-of-way of South Main Street and East Vine Street.
Res.2015-73   12-28-15   Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to grant a conservation easement to the Owl Creek Conservancy for the perpetual oversight of the property known as the Blackjack Wetlands.
Res.2015-84   11-23-15   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to renew two easement agreements with the State of Ohio for an existing waterline and a sanitary sewer in the area of the Mount Vernon Developmental Center.
Res.2015-100   12-28-15   Granting a permanent easement in the Howard Street right-of-way to the owners of Parcels 66-01762 and 66-01763 for the existing building and to pave the existing gravel parking area at 400 South Main Street.
Res.2015-106   12-28-15   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to accept the donation of property and an easement from the Knox County Commissioners to facilitate a bike path.
Res.2015-107   12-28-15   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to accept an easement from DBG II Incorporated and in exchange release an existing easement to DBG II Incorporated to facilitate a bike path.
Res.2016-51   6-27-16   Grants an easement in the City street right-of-way adjacent to 107 Cassil Street.
Res.2016-52   6-27-16   Grants an easement in the City street right-of-way on Park Street adjacent to 308 East Vine Street.
Res.2016-104   11-28-16   Grants an easement in the City street right-of-way of West Street and West Gambier Street.
Res.2016-110   12-27-16   Grants an easement in the City right-of-way of Blackberry Alley.
2019-123   11-25-19   Grants an easement to the property located at 401 East Vine Street.
2022-32   4-11-22   Grants an easement to the property located at 135 South Main Street.
2023-32   4-10-23   Grants an easement to the property located at 301 Boynton Street.
2024-70   7-22-24   Grant the following supplemental easements to Ohio Power Company (dba American Electric Power):
      Easement #34 (Parcel #66-00802.001) - Attached as Exhibit A
      Easement #37 (Parcel #66-01395.001) - Attached as Exhibit B
      Easement #38 (Parcel #66-01395.004) - Attached as Exhibit C
      Easement #45 (Parcel #66-00582.003) - Attached as Exhibit D
      Easement #46 (Parcel #66-02547.000) - Attached as Exhibit E
      Easement #47 (Parcel #66-50462.000) - Attached as Exhibit F
      Easement #48 (Parcel #66-50268.000) - Attached as Exhibit G
      Easement #50 (Parcel #66-02517.000) - Attached as Exhibit H
      Easement #51 (Parcel #66-02518.000) - Attached as Exhibit I
      Easement #56 (Parcel #66-50112.000) - Attached as Exhibit J
      Easement #57 (Parcel #66-06302.000) - Attached as Exhibit K
            Easement #58 (Parcel #66-09639.002) - Attached as Exhibit L