(A) General requirements.
(1) Frontage on improved streets. No subdivision shall be approved unless the area to be subdivided shall have frontage on and access from an existing street on the Official Map, unless such as street is:
(a) An existing state, country, or municipal street; or
(b) A street shown upon a plat approved by the Area Plan Commission and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds. Such streets or highways must be suitable and improved as required by the highway rules, regulation specifications, or orders; or be secured by a performance bond (or equivalent financial instrument) per § 152.070 . Further, such streets and highways must have the width and right-of-way required by these regulations or as indicated on the Official Map or Thoroughfare Plan. Whenever the area to be subdivided and uses an existing street frontage, such street shall be suitably improved as provided herein.
(B) Minimum street standards. All subdivision streets shall meet the minimum specifications as set forth in Tables 4-1 and 4-2, and shall further be approved as to design and specifications by the County Highway Department, City Street Department or Town Public Works Board.
(1) It shall be the policy of the Area Plan Commission to discourage the installation of private roads. Private roads that are installed shall conform to the standards set forth in this section that are the same as roads to be dedicated.
(2) The subdivider shall notify the County Highway Department, City Street Department or Town Public Works Board when streets are to be constructed and the Superintendent or his or her designee shall have the opportunity to inspect the construction. Before accepting the streets for maintenance, the county, city or town may inspect and perform tests (at the subdivider’s expense) to determine compliance with the specifications. Streets not meeting the specification will not be accepted for maintenance. Further, prior to acceptance for maintenance and release of any performance bond (or equivalent financial instrument), the agency maintaining the street or road may request a maintenance bond per § 152.072(B).
(C) Topography and arrangement.
(1) Streets shall be related appropriately to the topography. All streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many as possible of the building sites at, or above, the grades of the streets. Grades of the streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography. However, a combination of steep grades and sharp curves shall be avoided in the street layout. Specific street standards are contained in the design standards of these regulations.
(2) All streets shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of thoroughfares and dedicated rights-of-way as established on the Official Map, Thoroughfare Plan and/or Comprehensive Plan.
(3) All arterial and collector streets shall be properly related to special traffic generators (such as industries, business districts, schools, churches and shopping centers), to population densities, and to the pattern of existing and proposed land uses.
(4) Minor or local streets shall be laid out to conform as much as possible to the topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit efficient drainage and utility systems, and to require the minimum number of streets necessary to provide convenient and safe access to the proposed subdivision and surrounding property which is presently or may be developed in the future. The intent is to create a system of streets and easements to provide for the adequate and efficient delivery of infrastructure to supporting the development of the community.
(5) Rigid, rectangular “gridiron” street patterns are generally to be avoided, and the use of casual curvilinear streets, cul-de-sacs, or loop streets shall be encouraged where such use will result in a more desirable layout and relate better to the existing topography. On flat land, innovative and varied geometrical street patterns shall be encouraged where they are likely to enhance visual interest and a sense of order for those using them (e.g., non-grid rectilinear, trapezoidal, polygonal, or other geometric patterns). However, connectivity with the surrounding street system at present and in the future through streets stubs is of paramount importance to distribute traffic to the surrounding arterial and collector systems and to provide adequate and multiple access points for emergency vehicles.
(6) Proposed collector streets shall, where appropriate, be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided unless this is prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless in the opinion of the Area Plan Commission such extension(s) is/are not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision under consideration with the existing street layout for the most advantageous future development of adjacent tracts (see division (K)(1) of this section).
(7) In business and industrial developments, the streets and other access ways shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, location of rail facilities, and the provision of alleys, truck loading and maneuvering areas, walkways, bikeways, and parking; areas so as to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
(D) Blocks.
(1) Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depths. Exceptions to this prescribed block width shall be permitted in blocks adjacent to major streets (i.e., interstates, expressways and arterials), railroads, and waterways.
(2) The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be such as are appropriate for the locality and the types of development contemplated. In the case of residential subdivisions, no lot should be more than 1,800 feet from an arterial or collector street. Block lengths in residential area shall not exceed 1,800 feet nor less than 400 feet in length. Wherever practicable, blocks along arterials and collector streets shall not be less than 1,000 feet in length. This applies to the length of any block face as measured between the centerlines of the intersecting streets. When streets have access from both ends, longer blocks (not exceeding the maximum length) are permissible. However when streets have access only from one end (such as a cul-de-sac or temporary dead end), shorter blocks are desirable and such streets are subject to shorter maximum block lengths (i.e., 500 feet for a cul-de-sac or 300 feet for a dead end street unless a greater length (not to exceed 1,200 feet) is approved through the granting of a variance by the Area Plan Commission).
(3) In long blocks the Area Plan Commission may require the reservation of easements through the block to accommodate utilities, drainage facilities, or pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian ways or crosswalks not less than ten feet wide, may be required by the Area Plan Commission through the center of blocks more than 800 feet long or at other appropriate locations and at the ends of cul-de-sacs where deemed essential to provide for circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, or other community facilities. Blocks designed for industrial uses shall be of such length and width as may be determined to be suitable by the Area Plan Commission for prospective uses.
(E) Access to collector streets. Where possible, lots in single family residential subdivisions fronting on collector streets shall be avoided and lots at the corners of intersections between local and collector streets shall front on the local street and have driveway access to it only and not to the collector street. In multiple family residential areas, entrances to group parking lots shall have access only to collector streets where possible and such entrances shall be widely spaced.
(F) Access to primary arterial. Where a subdivision borders on or contains an existing or proposed primarily arterial, the Area Plan Commission may require that access to it be limited by one of the following means:
(1) The subdivision of the lots so as to back onto the primary arterial and front onto a parallel local street; no access shall be provided from the primary arterial and screening shall be provided within a strip of land along the rear property line of such lots.
(2) A series of cul-de-sacs, or loop streets entered from, and designed generally to be at right angles to an access street at some distance from and parallel to the arterial street, with the rear lines of their terminal lots backing onto the major arterial. Intersections onto the arterial street shall lot be less than 1,000 feet.
(3) A marginal access, frontage road or service road separated from the primary arterial by a landscaped and/or decoratively fenced grass strip and having access there to at widely spaced suitable points.
(G) Street names. The sketch plan, as submitted, shall indicate names of proposed streets. As part of his or her review, the Administrator shall refer proposed street names to the local postmaster for his or her comments regarding duplication of names and possible confusion. After reviewing them the Administrator shall inform the subdivider of his or her recommendations for their possible revision during the sketch plan review. Names shall be sufficiently different in sound and in spelling from other street names in the county, city, towns or other nearby areas so as to avoid confusion. A street, which is, or is planned as a continuation of an existing street, shall bear the same name.
(H) Street regulatory signs. The applicant shall be responsible for installation of all street and regulatory signs. Signage design shall conform to the most current edition of the Manual on Uniform Control Devices. The applicant shall install all street signs before issuance of certificates of occupancy for any residence on the approved streets.
(I) Reserve strips. The creation of reserve strips shall not be permitted adjacent to a proposed street in such a manner as to deny access to it from adjacent property if such street is a local service street rather than a collector or arterial street. See divisions (E) and (F) of this section.
(J) Construction of streets.
(1) Construction of streets other than cul-de-sacs. The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of principal streets between adjacent subdivisions or other properties when such continuation is necessary for the convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, for efficient provisions of the utilities, and where such continuation is in accordant with the Comprehensive Plan or Thoroughfare Plan. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must be a dead-end street temporarily, the right-of-way shall be provided for all such temporary dead end streets and turnarounds, with the notation on the subdivision plat that the land outside the normal street right-of-way shall revert to abutting properties whenever the street is continued. Temporary turnarounds must be provided at the ends off such stub streets. The Area Plan Commission may limit the length of temporary dead end streets in accordance with the design standards in these regulations. In general, temporary dead end streets or street stubs should not exceed 200 feet. Any temporary dead end street in excess of 300 feet shall have a temporary turnaround. Dead end streets shall not exceed 500 feet.
(2) Cul-de-sacs (permanent dead-end streets). Where a street does not extend beyond the boundary of the subdivision and its continuation is not required by the Area Plan Commission for access to adjoining property, its terminus shall normally not be nearer to such boundary than 50 feet. However, the Area Plan Commission may require the reservation of an appropriate easement to accommodate drainage facilities, pedestrian traffic or utilities. A cul-de-sac turnaround shall be provided at the end of a permanent dead-end street in accordance with Table 4-1. For greater convenience to traffic and more effective police and fire protection, permanent dead-end streets shall, in general, be limited in length in accordance with the design standards in these regulations, Cul-de-sacs of greater than 150 feet may require greater pavement width and shall not exceed 500 feet in length unless a variance is granted by the Area Plan Commission due to topography. If a variance is granted, in no circumstances shall the cul-de-sac exceed 1,000 feet due to emergency access issues.
(K) Design standards.
(1) General. In order to provide for streets of suitable location, width, and improvement to accommodate prospective traffic and afford satisfactory access for police, firefighting, snow removal, sanitation, and street-maintenance equipment, and to coordinate street location in order to achieve a convenient system and avoid undue hardships to adjoining properties, the design standards for streets are hereby required as set forth in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 and Figures 4-3 and 4-4. Street classifications may be indicated in the Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan or the Official Map; otherwise, they shall be determined by the Area Plan Commission. The urban cross section standards of Tables 4-1 and 4-2 and Figures 4-3 and 4-4 shall apply to any proposed subdivision within two miles of an incorporated area unless waived through a variance by the Area Plan Commission, unless adjoining subdivision streets use a rural cross section. Referring to Table 4-1, the jurisdiction may request additional pavement and right-of-way width if turn lanes are needed now or reasonably anticipated in the future. Relative to the minimum pavement and right-of-way width in Table 4-1, the jurisdiction may request the pavement and right-of-way widths to match existing street pavement widths when the proposed street is a continuation of an existing street of at least 24 feet or greater in pavement width in the urban area and 20 feet or greater in pavement width in the rural area. Further, in the case of a residential collector, the Area Plan Commission may, with the concurrence of the jurisdiction, approve a variance of the pavement width to 28 feet in the urban area and to 24 feet in the rural area.
(2) Street surfacing and improvements. After sanitary sewer and water utilities and stormwater drainage systems have been installed by the developer, the applicant shall construct curbs and gutters, and shall surface or cause the roadways to be surfaced to the widths prescribed in these regulations. The surfacing shall be of such character as is suitable for the expected traffic and in harmony with similar improvements in the surrounding areas. Types of pavement shall be as approved by the County Highway Department, City Street Department or Town Public Works Board. Referring to Figure 4-4, the 30-inch curb-and-gutter section normally requited for state-maintained facilities may be substituted with a different curb-and-gutter type, but not less than an 18-inch roll curb-and-gutter section, as directed by the County Highway Department, City Street Department or Town Public Works Board. Adequate provision shall be made for culverts, drains, and bridges. All street pavement, shoulders, drainage improvements and structures, curbs, turnarounds, and sidewalks shall conform to all construction standards and specifications adopted by the Area Plan Commission and the County Highway Department, City Street Department or Town Public Works Board; and shall be incorporated into the construction plans required to be submitted by the developer for plat approval. Referring to Figure 4-4, there shall be a planting strip of a minimum of two feet between the outside edge of curb and the edge of the walkway to accommodate regulatory and information signs and mail boxes. While sidewalks are a minimum of four feet in width, sidewalks of five feet are the minimum for apartments, community facilities (such as schools and libraries), and sidewalks of greater width may be required by the jurisdiction.
(3) Excess right-of-way. Right-of-way widths in excess of the standards designed in these regulations shall be required whenever, due to topography, additional width is necessary to provide for adequate and stable earth slopes and side ditches. Such slopes shall not be in excess of three to one. Further, additional right-of-way may be requested where turn lanes are reasonably anticipated either at present or in the future.
(4) Railroads and limited access highways. Railroad right-of-way and limited access highways where so located as to affect the subdivision of adjoining lands shall be treated as follows:
(a) In residential districts, a buffer strip at least 25 feet in depth in addition to the normal depth of the lot required in the district shall be provided adjacent to the railroad right-of-way or limited access highway. This strip shall be part of the platted lots, and shall be designated on the plat: “This strip is reserved for screening. The placement of structures hereon other than earth berms, walls, fences, and other landscape screening devices approved by the Area Plan Commission is prohibited.”
(b) In districts zoned for business, commercial, or industrial uses, the nearest street extending parallel or approximately parallel to a railroad shall, where practicable, be at sufficient distance therefrom to ensure a suitable depth for commercial or industrial sites.
(c) Streets parallel to a railroad when intersecting a street which crosses the railroad at grade shall, to the extent practicable, be at a distance of at least 150feet from the railroad right-of-way. Such distance shall be determined with due consideration of the minimum distance required for future separation of grade by means of appropriate approach gradients.
(5) Intersections.
(a) Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. A proposed intersection of two new streets at an angle of less than 75 degrees shall not be acceptable. An oblique street should be approximately at right angles for at least 100 feet from the intersection. Not more than two streets shall intersect at any ore point that creates more than four intersection legs.
(b) Proposed new intersections along one side of an existing street shall, where practicable, coincide with any existing intersection on the opposite side of such street. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall not be permitted except where the intersected street has a separated, dual-drive, without median breaks at either such intersection. Where local streets intersect with major streets, their alignment shall be continuous. Intersections of major streets shall be at least 800 feet apart and preferably 1,000 feet apart.
(c) Minimum curb radius at the intersection of two local streets shall be at least 20 feet; and minimum curb radius at an intersection involving a collector street shall be at least 25 feet. Alley intersections and abrupt changes in alignment within a block shall have the corners cut off in accordance with standard engineering practices to permit safe vehicular movement.
(d) Intersections shall be designed with a flat grade wherever practical. In hilly or rolling areas at the approach to an intersection, a leveling area shall be provided having not greater than a 2% grade at a distance of 60 feet, measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersection street.
(e) Where any street intersection will involve earth banks, hills, or existing vegetation inside any lot corner that would create a traffic hazard by limiting visibility, the developer shall cut such ground and/or vegetation (including trimming trees) in connection with the grading of the public right-of-way to the extent deemed necessary by the County Highway Department, City Sheet Department or Town Public Works Board to provide an adequate sight distance. Site distance issues shall be verified by the developer in accordance with the most current edition of A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets as published by AASHTO. Without traffic control devices, the clear sight distance triangle intersecting the center of the approaching lanes is 90 feet for 20 mph, 115 feet for 25 mph and 150 feet for 30 mph. With yield and stop controlled intersections, the clear sight distance is established by the AASHTO design standards.
(f) The cross-slopes on all streets, including intersections shall be 2% or less. However, the least slope shall be that necessary to ensure adequate pavement surface drainage.
(6) Bridges of primary benefit to the applicant, as determined by the Area Plan Commission, shall be constructed at the full expense of the applicant without reimbursement from the county, city or town. The sharing of expense for the construction of bridges not of primary benefit to the applicant as determined by the Area Plan Commission, will be fixed by special agreement between the county, city or town and the applicant. The cost shall be charged to the applicant prorated as the percentage of his land developed and so served.
(L) Street dedications and reservations.
(1) New perimeter streets. Street systems in new subdivisions shall be laid out so as to eliminate or avoid new perimeter half-streets. Where an existing half-street is adjacent to a new subdivision, the abutting half of the street shall be improved and dedicated by the subdivider. The Area Plan Commission may authorize a new perimeter street where the subdivider improves and dedicates the entire required right-of-way width within his or her own subdivision boundaries.
(2) Widening and realignment of existing streets. Where a subdivision borders an existing narrow street or when the Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Official Map, or zoning setback regulations indicate plans for realignment or widening of a street that would require use of some of the land in the subdivision, the applicant shall be required to improve and dedicate such streets at his or her own expense to the full width required by these subdivision regulations. Land reserved for any street purposes may not be counted in satisfying the minimum yard or area requirements of the zoning ordinance.
Street Type | Min. Width R-O-W | Min. Pavement Width(1) | Min. Side Ditch Width | Min. Shoulder Width | Max. Grade | Min. Radius of Curve | Min. Length of Tangent(3) | Min. Sight Distance | Min. Corner Radius(4) | Min Turn Around(5) | ||
Urban Cross Section | Residential(6) | 1. Cul-de-sac 2. Local street 3. Collector | 50 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. | 24 ft. 24 ft. 40 ft. | N/A N/A N/A | N/A N/A N/A | 7.5% 7.5% 7.0% | 100 ft. 100 ft. 150 ft. | 100 ft. 100 ft. 240 ft. | 200 ft. 200 ft. 240 ft. | 20 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. | 80/60 ft. 100/80 ft. N/A |
Arterial | 1. Secondary 2. Primary 3. Divided primary | 70 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. | 44 ft. 54 ft. 2-24 ft. | N/A N/A N/A | N/A N/A N/A | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | N/A N/A N/A | |
Rural Cross Section | Residential(6) | 1. Cul-de-sac 2. Local street 3. Collector | 50 ft. 50 ft. 80 ft. | 20 ft. 20 ft. 48 ft. | 10 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. | 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft. | 7.5% 7.5% 7.0% | 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. | 100 ft. 100 ft. 150 ft. | 200 ft. 200 ft. 240 ft. | 20 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. | 100/76 ft. 100/76 ft. N/A |
Arterial | 1. Secondary 2. Primary 3. Divided primary | 80 ft. 120 ft. 150 ft. | 24 ft. 48 ft. 2-24 ft. | 22 ft. 28 ft. 31 ft. | 6 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | (2) (2) (2) | N/A N/A N/A | |
GEOMETRIC STANDARDS APPLIED TO ALL PUBLIC STREETS Minimum grade (uncurbed with side ditches 0.0% Minimum grade (curbed) 0.50% (Note: a grade of 0.30% may be allowed provided proper storm drainage and approval by the Area Plan Commission) Minimum block length: 400 ft. (1,000 ft. between collectors along arterials) Maximum block length: 1,800 Maximum cul-de-sac length: 500(7) Maximum length of temporary dead end road: 500(8) Minimum length of vertical curves: 100 ft. Not less than 20 ft. for each percent of algebraic difference in grade) |
FOOTNOTES (1) The curb and gutter section may range from 18" to 30" depending on the type preferred by the jurisdiction. (2) As required by the city, town or county engineer and/or Indiana Department of Transportation. (3) Between reverse curves. (4) Measured at curb on urban cross section, at edge on rural cross sections, transitional curve into the turnaround within cul-de-sacs; residential - 50 ft., non-residential - 100 ft. (5) Diameter, measured at edge of right-of-way/edge of pavement, or back to back of curb on urban cross sections. (6) Includes subdivisions of uses permitted in residential districts as a matter of right or through special exception. The jurisdiction may request the pavement and right-of-way width of any street to be continued as long as the pavement width is 24 feet or greater in urban areas and 20 feet or greater in rural areas. The jurisdiction may request additional pavement and right-of-way width where turn lanes are needed now or anticipated in the future. The Area Plan Commission, with the concurrence of the jurisdiction, may grant a variance of the pavement width for residential collectors down to 28 feet in urban areas and 24 feet in rural areas. (7) Up to 1,000 feet with variance. (8) Dead-end street of 300 feet or more requires a turnaround. |
Street Type | Subgrade Treatement Type IIA(2) | Compacted Aggregate Base #53 | HMA Base | HMA Intermediate | HMA Surface | Total Thickness | Subgrade Treatment Type IIA(2) | Compacted Aggregate Base #53 | Uniform Concrete Design Thickness | Total Thickness | ||
Urban Cross Section | Residential | 1. Cul-de-sac 2. Local street 3. Collector | 6" 6" 6" | 4" 4" 6" | 3" 3" 3" | - - - - 2" | 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” | 13 ½” 13 ½” 18 ½” | 6" 6" 6" | 4" 4" 6" | 7" 7" 8" | 17" 17" 20" |
Arterial | 1. Secondary 2. Primary 3. Divided primary | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | |
Rural Cross Section | Residential | 1. Cul-de-sac 2. Local street 3. Collector | 6" 6" 6" | 4" 4" 6" | 3" 3" 3" | - - - - 2" | 1 ½” 1 ½” 1 ½” | 13 ½” 13 ½” 18 ½” | 6" 6" 6" | 4" 4" 6" | 7" 7" 8" | 17" 17" 20" |
Arterial | 1. Secondary 2. Primary 3. Divided primary | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | (1) (1) (1) | |
(1) As required by the county engineer and/or Indiana Department of Transportation but not less than the standard required for residential collector. (2) Type IIA - 8 in. chemical soil modification or 5 in. of the subgrade excavated and replaced with compacted coarse aggregate No. 53. (3) Polypropylene fiber reinforced Portland cement concrete with a 28 day compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Fiber length shall be 0.75" in length and mixed at a rate of 1.5 pounds per cubic yard of concrete. No steel welded wire fabric shall be used. Two inch deep saw cut joints shall be placed not more than 20 feet apart and ½ inch expansion joints shall be placed not more than 200 feet apart. Lugs shall be constructed in areas where the grade exceeds 7% or as directed by the County Highway Department. |
Please note that the jurisdiction determines the type of curb-and-gutter section ranging from 18" to 30", that a minimum planting strip of 2' is required between the outside edge of curb and the sidewalk, and that the jurisdiction may dictate greater sidewalk widths |
A | Flexible Pavement Section | A | Rigid Pavement Section |
1½” HMA surface | 7" Fiber reinforced concrete | ||
3" HMA base | 4" Compacted aggregate base, No. 53 Stone | ||
4" Compacted aggregate base, No. 53 Stone | 4" Subgrade treatment, Type IIA | ||
6" Subgrade treatment, Type IIA | |||
B | 1½” HMA surface | B | 8" Fiber reinforced concrete |
2" HMA intermediate | 6" compacted aggregate base, No. 53 Stone | ||
3" HMA base | 4" Subgrade treatment, Type IIA | ||
6" Compacted aggregate base, No. 53 Stone | |||
6" Subgrade treatment, Type IIA | |||
(Ord. 13-8, passed 5-16-13)