(A) Description. Extractive operations, certain mineral processing operations and manufacturing operations which directly minerals at or near the source.
(B) Included uses.
(1) Mining and quarrying. Mining, quarrying extraction of coal, ores, stone, sand or gravel.
(2) Processing of mineral products. Such as crashing, washing and grading of coal, ore, stone, sand or gravel manufacture of Portland Cement, concrete or asphalting concrete, at the source of supply of crushed rock, sand or gravel for utilization off the premises.
(C) Use conditions. The Board of Zoning Appeals, in granting a mining and mineral processing use by special exception, shall consider potential environmental influences, such as dust and vibration, and shall establish in the particular instance appropriate protective conditions, such as setbacks, screening and method of operation as will mitigate the adverse effects on appropriate land uses.
(D) Off-street parking and loading berths.
(Ord. 12-16, passed 8-8-12)