(A) The intersections set forth as follows are designated as stop intersections. When appropriate signs conforming to the requirements of this traffic code are erected at the entrances of these intersections, the operator of a vehicle approaching any of the streets where a sign has been erected shall bring the vehicle to a full and complete stop before entering the intersection, except when directed by a police officer to do otherwise.
Allyn Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Audubon Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Audubon Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Barbee St. | 5th St. |
Barbee St. | 4th St. |
Barter St. | 4th St. |
Barter St. | 3rd St. |
Blue Bonnet St. | Smith Rd. |
Bluff Rd. (southeast bound) | Kimball St. |
Bob O Link Rd. | Tanglewood Dr. |
Brown St. | Main St. |
Brown St. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Byrd St. | 6th St. |
Byrd St. | 5th St. |
Byrd St. | 4th St. |
Byrd St. | Sherman St. |
Canal St | Water St. |
Canal St. | 3rd St. |
Canal St. | 4th St. |
Canal St. | 8th St. |
Canal St. | 10th St. |
Canal St. | Grant St. |
Canal St. | Lincoln Ave. |
Canal St. | Sherman Street |
Cardinal Dr. | Tile Factory Rd. |
Cherry Hills Dr. | Tam O Shanter Dr. |
Cherry Hills Dr. | Tanglewood Dr. |
Cherry Lane | Roosevelt Dr. |
Chestnut St. | 3rd St. |
Chestnut St. | 2nd St. |
Chestnut St. | 4th St. |
Clover St. | Smith Rd. |
College Ave. | 4th St. |
College Ave. | 2nd St. |
College Ave. | 8th St. |
Coronado Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Coronado Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Country Club Rd. | Western Hills Dr. |
Country Club Rd. | 4th St. |
C.R. 650 S. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Davis Dr. | Harriet St. |
Dereham Dr. | Sherman St. |
Dereham Dr. | Grant St. |
Dogwood Pl. | Lakeview Dr. |
Edson St. | Bluff Rd. |
Edson St. | 4th St. |
Edson St. | 2nd St. |
Elk St. | Lincoln Ave. |
Elm St. | 2nd St. |
Elm St. | 3rd St. |
Elm St. | Sycamore St. |
Elm St. | Water St. |
Elm St. | 4th St. |
Emmick St. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Emmick St. | Jefferson Dr. |
Estate Dr. | Main St. |
Estate Dr. | Hereford Dr. |
Everett St. | 6th St. |
Everett St. | 5th St. |
Everett St. | 4th St. |
Evergreen Dr. | Harriet St. |
Fairview Ln. | Davis Dr. |
Fairview Ln. | Lincoln Ave. |
Fairview Ln. | Sherman St. |
Gleneagles St. | Bob O Link Rd. |
Gleneagles St. | Pleasant Valley |
Grant St. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Grant St. | Main St. |
Grant St. | Mulberry St. |
Green Valley Dr. | Intersection of Harrison Dr. and Davis Dr. |
Greenbriar Cir. | Greenbriar Dr. |
Greenbriar Ct. | Greenbriar Dr. |
Greenbriar Dr. (North Fork) | Greenbriar Dr. and Pleasant Valley Rd. |
Greenbriar Dr. (South Fork) | Greenbriar Dr. and Pleasant Valley Rd. |
Grenada St. | Coronado Dr. |
Grenada St. | Roosevelt Dr. |
Harriet St. (southbound) | 10th St. |
Harriet St. | 4th St. |
Harriet St. (southbound) | Evergreen Dr. |
Hawthorne Dr. | Park Ridge Dr. |
Hawthorne Dr. | Smith Rd. |
James St. | 6th St. |
James St. | 7th St. |
Jefferson Dr. | Vista Dr. |
Jefferson Dr. | Grant St. |
Jefferson Dr. | Roosevelt Dr. |
Kennedy Dr. | Allyn Dr. |
Kennedy Dr. | Grenada St. |
Kennedy Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Lakeview Dr. | Highway 62 |
Lark Ln. | Mockingbird Ln. |
Lark Ln. | Cardinal Dr. |
Lawrence Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Lawrence Dr. | Grenada St. |
Lawrence Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Lawrence Dr. | Main St. |
Lincoln Ave. | Byrd St. |
Lincoln Ave. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Lincoln Ave. | Jefferson Dr. |
Lincoln Ave. | Main St. |
Lincoln Ave. | Harriet St. |
Locust St. | Grant St. |
Locust St. | Lincoln Ave. |
Locust St. | Water St. |
Locust St. | 3rd St. |
Locust St. | 6th St. |
Locust St. | 5th St. |
Locust St. | 4th St. |
Magnolia Ct. | Magnolia Dr. |
Magnolia Dr. | Park Ridge Dr. |
Magnolia Dr. | Hawthorne Dr. |
Mann St. | 4th St. |
Mann St. | 2nd St. |
Mann St. | 3rd St. |
Maple St. | Sycamore St. |
Maple St. | Water St. |
Maple St. | 3rd St. |
Maple St. | 2nd St. |
Melody Ln. | Westwood Dr. |
Melody Ln. | Allyn Dr. |
Mill St. | Brown St. |
Mill St. | 2nd St. |
Mill St. | 4th St. |
Mockingbird Ln. | Tile Factory Rd. |
Mulberry St. | Lincoln Ave. |
Mulberry St. | Sherman St. |
Mulberry St. | 6th St. |
Mulberry St. | 2nd St. |
Mulberry St. | 3rd St. |
Mulberry St. | Water St. |
Mulberry St. | 4th St. |
Munchoff St. | 2nd St. |
Munchoff St. | 4th St. |
Munchoff St. | 8th St. |
Nettleton St. | First alley north of 8th St. |
Nettleton St. | 2nd St. |
Nettleton St. | 3rd St. |
Nettleton St. | 4th St. |
Nettleton St. | 8th St. |
O'Donnell Rd. | 8th St. |
Ohio St. | Barter St. |
Ohio St. | Maple St. |
Ohio St. | Kimball St. |
Old Orchard Pl. | Lakeview Dr. |
Oriole Cir. | Lark Ln. |
Owen St. | 6th St. |
Owen St. | 2nd St. |
Owen St. | Water St. |
Owen St. | 4th St. |
Owen St. | 5th St. |
Park Ridge Dr. | Country Club Rd. |
Park Ridge Dr. | Smith Rd. |
Parke St. | 2nd St. |
Pearl St. | 3rd St. |
Pearl St. | 6th St. |
Pearl St. | 2nd St. |
Pearl St. | 4th St. |
Pinhurst Dr. | Tam O Shanter Dr. |
Pleasant Valley Road | Smith Road |
Raintree Cir. | Raintree Dr. |
Raintree Dr. | Park Ridge Dr. |
Raintree Dr. | Smith Rd. |
Riviera Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Riviera Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Robin Ln. | Mockingbird Ln. |
Robin Ln. | Cardinal Dr. |
Roosevelt Dr. | Allyn Dr. |
Roosevelt Dr. | Grenada St. |
Sawmill St. | Water St. |
Sawmill St. | 3rd St. |
Sawmill St. | 4th St. |
Sherman St. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Sherman St. | Jefferson Dr. |
Sherman St. | Main St. |
Sherman St. | Tile Factory Rd. |
Sherman St. (eastbound) | Harriet St. |
Short Sycamore St. | Canal St. |
Short Sycamore St. | Sawmill St. |
Smith Rd. | Country Club Rd. |
Southwind Ave. | Allyn Dr. |
Southwind Dr. | Jefferson Dr. |
Southwind Dr. | Grenada Dr. |
Sunset Dr. | Allyn Dr. |
Sunset Dr. | Grenada St. |
Sunset Dr. | Jefferson St. |
Sycamore St. | Edson St. |
Sycamore St. | Sawmill St. |
Sycamore St. | Kimball St. |
Tam O Shanter Dr. | Tanglewood Dr. |
Tanglewood Dr. | Pleasant Valley Rd. |
Terrace Dr. | Magnolia Dr. |
Venice Ave. | 4th St. |
Venice Ave. | 5th |
Vine St. | 6th St. |
Vine St. | 7th St. |
Vine St. | 4th St. |
Vine St. | 3rd St. |
Vine St. | 2nd St. |
Vista Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Vista Dr. | Main St. |
Walnut St. | 10th St. |
Walnut St. | 6th St. |
Walnut St. | 2nd St. |
Walnut St. | Water St. |
Walnut St. | Main St. |
Washington Ave. | Allyn Dr. |
Washington Ave. | Grenada St. |
Washington Ave. | Jefferson Dr. |
Water St. | Barter St. |
Water St. | Mann St. |
Water St. | Kimball St. |
Water St. | Edson St. |
Water St. - Westbound | College Ave. |
Westwood Dr. | Lower New Harmony Rd. |
Williams Dr. | 8th St. |
Wolflin St. | 3rd St. |
Wolflin St. | 2nd St. |
Wolflin St. | 4th St. |
Wood St. | 3rd St. |
Wood St. | 6th St. |
Wood St. | Water St. |
Wood St. | 2nd St. |
Wood St. | Short Sycamore St. |
Wood St. | 4th St. |
Wood St. | 5th St. |
3rd St. | College Ave. |
3rd St. | Kimball St. |
3rd St. | Main St. |
3rd St. | Mill St. |
3rd St. | Parke St. |
3rd St. | State St. |
3rd St. | Walnut St. |
5th St. | Canal St. |
5th St. | College Ave. |
5th St. | Harriet Ave. |
5th St. | Main St. |
5th St. | Mill St. |
5th St. | Mulberry St. |
5th St. | Munchoff St. |
5th St. | Pearl St. |
5th St. | Tile Factory Rd. |
5th St. | Vine St. |
5th St. | Walnut St. |
5th St. | Wolflin St. |
6th St. | College Ave. |
6th St. | Harriet St. |
6th St. | Main St. |
6th St. | Mill St. |
6th St. | Munchoff St. |
6th St. | Tile Factory Rd. |
7th St. | College Ave. |
7th St. | First alley east of Munchoff St. |
7th St. | Main St. |
7th St. | Mill St. |
7th St. | Mulberry St. |
7th St. | Munchoff St. |
7th St. | Nettleton St. |
7th St. | Walnut St. |
8th St. | Harriet St. |
8th St. | Main St. |
8th St. | Mulberry St. |
8th St. | Walnut St. |
9th St. | Canal St. |
9th St. | First alley west of Mulberry St. |
9th St. | Harriet St. |
9th St. | Main St. |
9th St. | Mulberry St. |
10th St. | Main St. |
10th St. | Mill St. |
223 Edson St. | East Third St. |
(B) Multi-stop intersections. The intersections set forth as follows are designated as multi-stop intersections, which may include a four-way stop, a three-way stop, or an all-way stop. When appropriate signs conforming to the requirements of this traffic code are erected at the entrance to these intersections, the operator of a vehicle entering any of the streets shall bring such vehicle to a full and complete stop before entering the intersection, except when directed by a police officer to do otherwise.
Barbee St. and 6th St. | 3-way |
Barter St. and 2nd St. | 4-way |
Bluff Rd. and Kimball St. | 3-way |
Canal St. and 2nd St. | 4-way |
Canal St. and 6th St. | 3-way |
Greenbrier Dr. and Smith Rd. | 3-way |
Harrison St. and Lincoln Ave. | 4-way |
Harrison St. and Sherman St. | 4-way |
James St. and 8th St. | 4-way |
James St. and 9th St. | 3-way |
Kimball St. and 2nd St. | 4-way |
Locust St. and 8th St. | 4-way |
Locust St. and Sherman St. | 4-way |
Lower New Harmony Rd., Mill St., and 9th St. | All-way |
Main St. and 2nd St. | 4-way |
Main St. and Water St. | 3-way |
Mill St. and 8th St. | 4-way |
Mulberry St. and 10th St. | 4-way |
Owen St. and 3rd St. | 4-way |
Park Ridge Dr. and Terrace Dr. | 3-way |
Pinehurst Dr. and Tanglewood Dr. | 4-way |
Sawmill St. and Second St. | 4-way |
Water St. and Main St. and Sherburne Dr. | 4-way |
3rd St. and Munchoff St. | 4-way |
7th St. and Locust St | 4-way |
10th St. and Locust St. | 4-way |
(Ord. 81-25, passed 8-24-81; Am. Ord. 84-26, passed 9-24-84; Am. Ord. 86-12, passed 6-9-86; Am. Ord. 86-25, passed 9-8-86; Am. Ord. 81-1, passed 1-11-88; Am. Ord. 88-10, passed 5-9-88; Am. Ord. 89-22, passed 8-14-89; Am. Ord. 91-3, passed 2-11-91; Am. Ord. 92-25, passed 7-27-92; Am. Ord. 92-36, passed 10-12-92; Am. Ord. 95-1, passed 2-27-95; Am. Ord. 96-2, passed 2-26-96; Am. Ord. 96-38, passed 10-18-96; Am. Ord. 97-45, passed 11-24-97; Am. Ord. 99-18, passed 10-25-99; Am. Ord. 00-08, passed 4-24-00; Am. Ord. 01-21, passed 11-26-01; Am. Ord. 03-03, passed 4-14-03; Am. Ord. 05-05, passed 5-9-05; Am. Ord. 05-26, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 05-39, passed 11-28-05; Am. Ord. 06-24, passed 10-10-06; Am. Ord. 07-12, passed 7-30-07; Am. Ord. 09-12, passed 6-8-09; Am. Ord. 09-16, passed 7-13-09; Am. Ord. 10-09, passed 6-14-10; Am. Ord. 2015-8, passed 2-19-15; Am. Ord. 2020-12, passed 8-13-20; Am. Ord. 2020-21, passed 11-5-20) Penalty, see § 70.99