No trees or flowers shall be cut in the City parks.
Swimming at the Davis Park Pool shall be permitted only during hours recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the Council. All persons shall pay an entry fee, and there shall be no private rental of the pool during those hours. No swimming shall be permitted in the quarry in Nature Park.
All persons or groups desiring to schedule a special use of City Parks for concerts, rallies, benefits, organized ballgames, tournaments or similar activities must apply to the City Administrator’s office for a special use permit at least two weeks in advance, in accordance with the following:
Application forms for special use of City Parks are available at City Hall, and completed applications shall be filed with the City Administrator. A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be submitted with the application. All special use permit fees shall be used for park improvements.
The City Administrator is empowered to grant or deny applications for special use permits. All applications shall be deemed approved unless denied within three (3) days after filing. All decisions are subject to review by the Council, whose decision is final. The cost of any special meeting of the Council to review a decision of the City Administrator shall be paid by the applicant.