166.09 Planning conference
The subdivider or a representative shall request a planning conference in advance of the preliminary plat preparation in order to discuss the proposed subdivision and to obtain information as to the requirements necessary for approval of the plat. The purpose of the planning conference is informational only, and no approval can be given nor can any requirements of this chapter be waived. Participants in the planning conference, in addition to the subdivider or agent or engineer may be: one (1) member of the City Council, designated by the Mayor; one (1) member of the Commission, designated by the Chairperson of said commission; one (1) member of the Parks and Recreation Board, designated by the Chairperson of said board; the Zoning Administrator; the City Administrator, City Attorney and City Engineer or any other official of government deemed to have an interest in the layout or facilities to be furnished in the subdivision. The subdivider may wish to prepare for such a conference some or all of the following materials, which may later be used in preparing a preliminary plat:
   1.    A legal description of the parcel to be subdivided, if available.
   2.    A layperson’s description identifying the location of the parcel.
   3.    A vicinity and contour map of the parcel showing nearby street patterns, property lines and other significant features which will have a bearing upon the subdivision; contour intervals suitable for determining general street and utility requirements; existing substantial building and any features which will have a bearing upon the design of the subdivision or the provision of utilities.
   4.    A concept plan of the proposed layouts of streets, blocks and drainage courses. This concept plan may be drawn upon the contour map and should indicate the scale and north point, the proposed name of the subdivision, the words "preliminary sketch," and the name, address and telephone number of the subdivider and of the engineer, landscape architect or surveyor. (See 166.10c. for additional requirements)