The preliminary plat of a subdivision is not intended to serve as a record plat and shall be submitted for review separately and prior to submission of the final plat. Its purpose is to show on a map all facts needed to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed layout of the land in question is in accordance with the applicable ordinances and the general intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary plat shall also include a draft of the subdivision agreement. The subdivision agreement establishes the mutual responsibilities of the City and the subdivider, including financing of public improvements; the nature of performance bonds and guarantees that the subdivider will offer; the financing arrangements proposed for the subdivision.
A. Number of Copies and Scale. Twenty (20) copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted as prescribed for review. The scale of the map shall be one inch equals 50 feet (1" = 50') unless otherwise approved by the Commission, up to a maximum of one inch equaling one hundred feet (1" = 100').
B. Contents of Preliminary Plat.
1. Name of subdivision, date, compass point, scale and official description and acreage of the property being platted.
2. Names and addresses of the recorded owner, subdivider and engineer or land surveyor.
3. Boundaries of the proposed subdivision shall be labeled and indicated by a heavy line. All interior excepted parcels shall be clearly indicated and labeled “not a part of this plat.”
4. Existing and proposed zoning district classification of all land within and surrounding the proposed subdivision.
5. Location, width and name of each existing or platted street, highway, railroad or other utility right-of-way, parks and other public open spaces within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision and existing buildings.
6. All existing storm and sanitary sewer mains, water mains, gas mains, culverts and other underground installations within the proposed subdivision or immediately adjacent thereto with pipe size if available and location shown.
7. Names of all adjoining subdivisions and owners of adjacent parcels of unsubdivided land.
8. Ground elevations and contours at intervals of not more than five (5) feet. MSL (Mean Sea Level) data.
9. The approximate boundaries of areas of known flood levels or storm water overflow, areas covered by water or wooded areas, projected 100 year flood line for areas that have been included in engineering flood plain reports and studies, and all proposed open channel drainage ways.
10. The location, names and widths of proposed streets, roadways, alleys, pedestrian ways and easements.
11. The proposed grades and alignment of proposed streets in conformance with the street planning map. Consideration shall be given to topography with a view to securing safe and gentle grades and avoiding unsightly and expensive cuts and fills. Maximum street grades shall not exceed those required in the design standards.
12. Proposed utility services; source of water supply and provision for sewage disposal, drainage and flood control; the location, size and grade of all proposed public utilities including sewers (storm and sanitary) and water mains.
13. Layout, numbers and dimensions of each lot and block.
14. Location and size of proposed parks, playgrounds, or special uses of land to be considered for dedication to public use or to be reserved by deed or covenant for the use of all property owners in the subdivision and any conditions of such dedication or reservation. The subdivider shall not reserve a strip of land unless the Commission determines that such reservation is sufficient in size, shape, or location to meet a necessary public purpose. Such public purposes shall include but not be limited to use for park and recreational purposes, pedestrian or bicycle transportation, storm water management, or utility alignments.
15. Setback lines shall be shown on the preliminary plat for all lots intended for residential use of any character and on commercial and industrial lots when required by Ordinance. Such setback lines shall be in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance.
16. Proposed sidewalks shall be shown on the preliminary plat in the plan view or in a typical street cross-section view.
17. Any protective covenants or restrictions to be imposed on the plat. (See 166.12a for additional requirements.)
B. Land Not Platted. Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned by the subdivider, the Commission may require topography and a concept plan of the entire tract of land under the ownership, mortgage purchase, option, or other agreements for deed.
D. Accompanying Material.
1. If a developer proposes to subdivide and develop a parcel of land which the developer feels cannot be feasibly served with public sewer and water service, it shall be stated on the plat which lots cannot be served and what means of non-public water and sewer service shall be provided to those lots. The location of all proposed buildings and proposed non-public water supply systems and private sewage disposal systems shall be shown on the plat for each lot and the plat shall be submitted to the Linn County Health Department (LCHD) along with percolation tests for each lot to permit an evaluation of private sewage disposal systems. A letter from the Linn County Health Department shall be submitted by the developer with the preliminary plat to provide the LCHD's recommendation on the approval of the preliminary plat proposal for private water and sewer systems. A recommendation for approval by the LCHD shall be required for the City to consider approval of the plat, but shall not require the City to approve the plat, should the City decide that public water and sewer service must be provided. In addition, the developer shall submit a report prepared by a Professional Engineer describing the construction of public versus private sewage disposal and water supply systems and the estimated costs for each type of system. This report shall include a preliminary route study for connection to existing City water and sewer lines, estimated footage and the preliminary scope of work required to allow a true estimate of construction costs and cost comparison with any private/community wells and septic tank/tile field systems.
2. Restrictions proposed, if any, to be included in the owner’s dedication of the plat.
3. Confirmation that all filing fees established by the City for preliminary plats have been paid.
4. A statement shall be prepared and submitted by the developer's engineer which discusses the natural features of the existing site environment, including but not limited to mature trees and timber stands. The statement shall describe how these natural features will be preserved during development or their loss mitigated with new environmental features.