A. Scope. The Minor Subdivision procedure may be used when a proposed subdivision meets all of the following conditions:
1. The subdivision adjusts the lot lines of two or more lots without creating additional lots; or creates no more than four lots from any single parcel, tract, or lot. A subdivision plat is not required when a minor boundary change is approved in accordance with Section 166.07A and other applicable provisions of the Code and is not in conflict with the laws of the State of Iowa.
2. The subdivision is served by existing utilities and does not require the extension of streets, utilities, or public improvements.
3. Each lot resulting from the subdivision procedure will conform fully to all requirements of the zoning district that pertain to the lots; and each lot is developable according to the site development regulations of the zoning ordinance.
4. No part of the parcel has been the subject of a previous Minor Subdivision or Minor Subdivision approval.
B. Application and Approval Procedure. An application for a Minor Subdivision may be approved under the following procedure:
1. The applicant submits an application on a form established by the City and including the supporting documents required for Minor Subdivisions in Table 166-1. These documents shall include a plat of all lots and parcels that are affected by the action, prepared by a Licensed Surveyor. The subdivider shall prepare and file with the Clerk twenty (20) copies of the plat conforming in detail to the requirements set forth in Table 166-1.
2. The Planning and Zoning Commission, following proper notice, shall hold a public hearing on each Minor Subdivision application and, following such public hearing, shall take action on the application and plat. Action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be sent on to the City Council for their action.
3. The Council shall consider and act upon the application and plat and the Commission's recommendation not later than the second regular meeting or 30 days following the date of filing by the Commission, whichever is later. In the event of disapproval, the Council shall refer the plat back to the Commission along with specific reasons for such disapproval, a copy of which shall be transmitted to the subdivider.
4. The Planning and Zoning Commission retains the right to disapprove or not act on the Minor Subdivision application. In the event of such action, the application may proceed through the Major Subdivision process.
5. Applications, reviews and approvals of minor subdivisions shall follow the same schedule as Major Subdivisions shown in section 166.08 (C)(4).
Name, address of owner and applicant.
Name, signature, license number, seal and address of engineer, land surveyor. Architect, planner, and/or landscape architect, as applicable, involved in preparation of plat.
Title block, denoting type of application, tax map sheet, legal description, and general location.
Key map, showing location with reference to surrounding property, streets, current street names, city limits, and other features within ¼ mile of the subdivision boundary.
Present and proposed zoning.
North arrow, date, and graphic scale.
Proof that taxes are current.
Signature blocks for Planning and Zoning Commission Chair, Administrative Official, and Mayor.
Appropriate certification blocks.
Metes and bounds description, including dimensions, bearings, curve data, tangent length, radii, arcs, chords, and central angles for all centerlines and ROW’s, and centerline curves on streets.
Acreage of tract.
Date of original and all revisions.
Location, dimensions, and names of existing streets, driveways and public sidewalks.
All proposed lot lines, lot dimensions, and lot areas in square feet.
Copy of any existing or proposed deed restrictions or covenants.
Existing and proposed easements or land reserved for or dedicated for public use.
Payment of application fees.
Property owners and property lines within 300 feet.
All existing watercourses, flood plains, wetlands, habitat areas or other environmentally sensitive features within 200 feet.
Survey of mature trees and wooded areas, (noting size and location of trees) and mature or environmentally sensitive vegetation.
Existing ROW’s and easements within 200 feet.
Topography at five foot contours.
Existing site drainage systems.
Drainage calculations and percolation tests.
New block and lot numbers.
Certification and seals from licensed Professional Engineer, as required by Ordinance.
Existing buildings on the site as well as on immediately adjacent lots.
Existing utility lines adjacent to the site from which service would be extended to the new lots.