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152.05   FEES
Application and appeal fees shall be set by the City Council by separate resolution.
For any individuals or contractor seeking permits to do work commonly referenced by mechanical, electrical or plumbing codes and for which that individual or contractor will be compensated, these parties are required to be licensed by the City of Cedar Rapids, the City of Marion, or Linn County, Iowa, or licensed by a jurisdiction whose licenses are recognized by the aforementioned jurisdictions under any reciprocity agreements.
1.   During the first ninety (90) days after final passage and publication of this ordinance, individuals otherwise required to be licensed under this section, may apply to the Building Board of Appeals for exemption from these licensing requirements in one or more areas. The application process will be administered by the Building Board of Appeals. Eligibility requirements shall include but not be limited to a minimum of five (5) years experience in the trade for which the license is being sought. The application shall include, at a minimum, any professional education or certifications and at least three professional or trade-related references.
2.   Any exemption received under subsection 1 remains in effect indefinitely, unless rescinded. The Building Board of Appeals retains jurisdiction of all exemptions and may, upon its own motion, review and rescind any exemption for cause, including but not limited to reasons of substandard performance and cessation of work in the licensed trade for a period of two (2) years or more.
152.07   INSURANCE
Any individual licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall execute a certificate of insurance written by a company authorized to transact business in the State of Iowa, in limits of not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) liability to any person and one million dollars ($1,000,000) to more than one person on account of any one occurrence, and two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) property damage. Licensed individuals may be required to provide proof of compliance with this section at any time as a condition of being licensed.
The Mount Vernon Building Board of Appeals is hereby established. The Building Board of Appeals is a combined appellate board and has authority over matters and work commonly referenced by building, mechanical, electrical or plumbing codes. Any aggrieved person may appeal or otherwise apply to the Board for:
1.   A reversal, modification, or annulment of any ruling, direction, determination, or order of the Building Official affecting or relating to the construction of any building or structure, the construction of which is pursuant or purports to be pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code.
2.   Review of the disapproval or failure to approve within sixty days after the submission of an application for permission to construct or the submission of plans and specifications pursuant to the Building Code.
3.   A special exception to one or more requirements of the Building Code, in the event that strict application of said requirements would result in substantial hardships or injustices; but so, at the same time, the public welfare and interest of the City and surrounding areas are protected and the general intent and spirit of the Building Code are preserved.
Additionally the Building Board of Appeals shall have the authority to approve and, as appropriate, review licensing exemptions as set forth in Section 152.06.
The five members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, and shall hold office for five years and until their successors are appointed, except that four initial appointees shall be appointed for one, two, three and four years respectively, and one initial appointee shall be appointed for the full term. Thereafter a member shall be appointed each year for a five year term. At least three of the members of the Board shall be persons who are qualified by experience or training and, further, provide broad or specialized expertise on matters pertaining to building construction.
1.   In the event of a conflict of interest for one or more members concerning a specific case or matter, the Mayor may appoint a special member or members to hear and decide that case or matter. Special members appointed pursuant to this provision shall have the full authority of a regular member for the specific case or matter.
2.   The Building Official shall be an ex officio member without vote and shall attend all meetings of the Board.