(A)   It shall be the duty and power of the Design Review Board to:
      (1)   Protect and promote the appearance, character and economic value of commercial development located within the commercial districts and development areas of the town.
      (2)   Review, and approve or deny, all design review applications submitted to it for proposed new commercial developments located within the commercial districts and development areas of the town.
      (3)   Review, and approve or deny, all applications submitted to it for major alterations and/or additions to existing commercial developments located within the commercial districts and development areas of the town.
      (4)   Review, and approve or deny, all design review applications submitted to it for landscape plans proposed by the town or any other public or state agency for public rights-of-way or for publicly-owned property located within the commercial districts and development areas of the town.
      (5)   Review, and approve or deny, all design review applications submitted to it for architectural plans for facilities to be located within designated commercial districts and development areas proposed by the town or any other public or state agency.
      (6)   Foster civic beauty.
      (7)   Strengthen the local economy.
   (B)   In order to accomplish the above, the Design Review Board shall have the authority to adjust or modify the architectural and site design review standards of § 156.310(E) and (F) as deemed appropriate to the particular project and its individual circumstances.
   (C)   In addition to divisions (A) and (B) above, the Board shall have other such duties and powers as provided in S.C. Code Title 6, Chapter 29.
   (D)   The Board's area of purview is more fully described in § 156.310, CDR-OD, Commercial Design Review Overlay District.
('81 Code, § 155.56) (Ord. passed 8-13-91; Am. Ord. 99012, passed 4-21-99; Am.. Ord. 02024, passed 6-11-02; Am. Ord. 07071, passed 11-13-07; Am. Ord. 14047, passed 8-12-14)