(A)   Boundaries of the district. The Hungryneck Boulevard-Venning Road Overlay District (HNB-VR- OD) applies primarily to parcels located generally in the vicinity of the intersection of Hungryneck Boulevard and Venning Road, as more accurately depicted on the Official Zoning Map as may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Purpose of the district. The overlay district and surrounding area is part of an historically African- American settlement area known as the Four Mile Community. The community is a part of the Gullah- Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor. Because of this status, this overlay district is intended, first and foremost, to protect and promote residential uses, and to foster the support activities that help to sustain a desirable quality of life and that are part of the traditional cultural heritage, to include sweetgrass basket stands as a use of right, which also may allow light commercial and mixed use development that demonstrates consideration to residential uses and is consistent with the Access Management Plan for Hungryneck Boulevard. Demonstration of these considerations shall be by adherence to certain additional development limitations as specified herein.
   (C)   Access Management Plan. The Access Management Plan (AMP) is described and depicted by Mount Pleasant Ordinance No. 06080, as amended. The purpose of the AMP is to maintain the functional integrity of Hungryneck Boulevard as a through street, while allowing limited and controlled access for commercial development. This will be achieved by promoting inter-parcel access to channel full access to signalized intersections and limiting new access points on Hungryneck Boulevard to right-turn-only movements. In this regard, the AMP graphic is illustrative, with actual location of new access points determined through site-specific development plans.
   (D)   Specific requirements. As an overlay district, all standards within the underlying zoning district shall apply, in addition to the following, specific regulations intended to address the purposes of this overlay district.
      (1)   The effect of this overlay district does not relieve an owner from the requirement to obtain appropriate base zoning district designation for an intended use. Any request for a commercial zoning district designation would be considered in conjunction with the purposes of this overlay district.
      (2)   Parcels developed as part of a planned development zoning district will be considered in context with the purpose of the overlay district in review of such proposals.
      (3)   The following uses are permitted by right in any zoning district:
         (a)   Detached single-family dwellings;
         (b)   Home-based businesses;
         (c)   Recreational and civic developments, including public or private fishing areas, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts, or other field or court for active sport activity, whether outdoor or enclosed, and parks for passive recreation;
         (d)   Sweetgrass basket stands for the sale or weaving of baskets.
      (4)   Commercial development shall be limited to a 15,000 square foot footprint area.
      (5)   To minimize potential negative impact for existing residents, a minimum 25-foot buffer shall be effected where new development abuts existing residential property. To the extent feasible, the buffer shall utilize existing vegetation in addition to any other plant materials that may be required to satisfy a Type E Bufferyard, as provided in the Table of Bufferyard Requirements in § 156.201; however, no fence structure is required. Existing vegetation may count toward the plant unit requirements.
      (6)   Ingress and egress within a development must be consistent with the intent of the Access Management Plan, though not necessarily reflecting exactly the placements and arrangements as shown on the plan map.
(Ord. 06080, passed 12-12-06; Am. Ord. 08079, passed 2-10-09; Am. Ord. 09066, passed 10-22-09; Am. Ord. 14047, passed 8-12-14)