General Provisions
   136.01   Short title
   136.02   Definitions
Littering Regulations
   136.20   Litter in public places
   136.21   Placement of litter in receptacles so as to prevent scattering
   136.22   Sweeping litter into gutters prohibited
   136.23   Merchant's duty to keep sidewalks free of litter
   136.24   Litter thrown by persons in vehicle
   136.25   Truck loads causing litter
   136.26   Litter in parks, lakes and fountains
   136.27   Dropping litter from aircraft
   136.28   Posting notices prohibited
   136.29   Litter on occupied private property; owner to maintain premises
   136.30   Litter on vacant lots
   136.31   Responsibility of advertisers to prevent litter
Commercial and Noncommercial Handbills
   136.40   Throwing or distributing handbills in public place
   136.41   Placing handbills on vehicles
   136.42   Depositing handbills on uninhabited or vacant premises
   136.43   Prohibiting distribution of handbills where properly posted
   136.44   Distributing handbills at inhabited private premises; exemption
Administration and Enforcement
   136.55   Notice to clear litter from private property
   136.56   Noncompliance; removal procedures
   136.57   Owner charged for removal
   136.58   Nonpayment constitutes lien on property
   136.99   Penalty