(A)   Except as may be provided otherwise in this subchapter, the standing committees shall be appointed by the Mayor at the first meeting of Council after each regular municipal election, to serve for a two-year term. Council members may provide their individual qualifications and indicate their preference for appointments to the Mayor for any standing committee. Within ten days after each municipal election or in the event of a vacancy in accordance with division (B) below, the Mayor shall make a good faith effort to meet and consult with each member of Council to consider the Council members’ indicated preferences and individual qualifications to serve on standing committees.
   (B)   In the event of a vacancy, the vacant seat shall remain vacant until a special election is held to fill the unexpired term of the Council position. Upon election, the newly-elected member shall automatically fill the vacant seat.
(‘81 Code, § 30.50) (Am. Ord. passed 8-11-86; Am. Ord. 24009, passed 3-14-24)
   Specific committees, see §§ 32.01 through 32.14