(A)   Facilities eligible for authorization. The following medical marihuana facilities may be authorized to operate in the city:
      (1)   Growers operating under Class A licenses;
      (2)   Growers operating under Class B licenses;
      (3)   Growers operating under Class C licenses;
      (4)   Provisioning centers;
      (5)   Processors;
      (6)   Secure transporters; and
      (7)   Safety compliance facilities.
   (B)   Co-location and stacked licenses. Co-location and stacked grower licenses are permitted in the city. For purposes of the limitations provided in division (A):
      (1)   A facility with a stacked grower license counts as a single grower; and
      (2)   On a site with co-location, each license (other than stacked grower licenses) authorized to operate within a single location counts as a separate facility.
   (C)   Final authorization from city required. The authorization process described in § 112.03 determines the locations in the city at which facilities may operate. A proposed facility is not eligible for a state operating license until the clerk grants final authorization pursuant to § 112.03(D).
(Ord. 1038, passed 6-11-18; Am. Ord. 1079, passed 5-9-22)