(A) General review procedure. The AHJ or designee will review all plans, calculations, and other information for compliance with the design requirements in § 54.09 of this chapter. All materials will be reviewed for completeness. Calculations will be checked. The minimum design requirements as outlined in this chapter will be used as a reference. The drainage plan checklist will be reviewed. The AHJ shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove an application within 21 days. The review period begins upon the receipt of a completed application, plan and fees. Copies of the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval will be provided by the AHJ. The AHJ and/or the AHJ’s agent or designee does not accept any liability for the design or function of the storm water collection and retention/detention system. The review is for compliance with the storm water management standards in this chapter only. It is the registered design professional that has signed and sealed the final plans and/or the applicant’s responsibility for the functionality of the design.
(B) Approval or approval with conditions. Upon a determination by the AHJ or designee that the permit application has met or obtained a waiver of the design requirements of this chapter, the AHJ will issue a permit specifying the work approved and any applicable permit conditions. A waterproofed permit must be posted on the site in plain view, along with an approved soil erosion and sedimentation control plan permit, which must be obtained from the Isabella County Community Development Office. The AHJ shall notify the owner/developer of the approval, disapproval, or approval with conditions. The owner will be emailed (or mailed hard copy) a final approval letter upon completion of the project, prior to release of the bond.
(C) Disapproval. If the proposed drainage system is disapproved, the AHJ will issue a report outlining the deficiencies. The applicant may resubmit for review. Two sets of plans and calculations shall be resubmitted.
(D) Approval of sequential applications for phased projects. When additional phases are planned, an approval with conditions will be given addressing the overall storm water requirements of the site. The AHJ encourages submittal of all phases of a multi-phased project at the onset of a proposed project to the extent possible, but may authorize sequential applications when necessary. The bond and permit will address only the portions to be constructed during the phase to which the application pertains.
(Ord. 992, passed 1-12-15)