(A)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a waiver of any ordinances, Charter provisions, codes or regulations of the city.
   (B)   The city fully reserves its police powers to ensure and protect the public health, safety, and welfare and fully reserves its authority and power to amend this chapter at any time. The terms and conditions of any permit shall be subject to compliance with any future amendments of this chapter. The city fully reserves its right to exercise the reasonable control of the public rights-of-way pursuant to Article VII, § 29 of the 1963 Michigan Constitution.
   (C)   Nothing in this chapter or any permit shall limit any right the city may have to acquire by eminent domain any property of a rights-of-way user.
   (D)   Nothing in this chapter or any permit shall limit the authority of the city to impose a tax, fee, or other assessment of any kind on any person. A rights-of-way user shall pay all fees necessary to obtain all federal, state, and local licenses, permits, and authorizations required for the construction, installation, maintenance, or operation of its system within the public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 895, passed 10-13-03)