§ 110.25 JUNK DEALERS.
   (A)   No person shall engage in the business of dealing in scrap iron, scrap metal, scrap wood, used or salvaged auto parts or any form of goods commonly considered as junk, nor assemble same at one location for the purpose of sale without first procuring a license.
   (B)   No such license shall be granted:
      (1)   Except upon approval of the Director of Public Safety or his or her designee, the Fire Department and the Building Official;
      (2)   For conducting such business on a vacant lot or in a partially enclosed structure unless such property is enclosed with a properly maintained, tight board or other type fence in accordance with all specifications of the Director of Public Works to protect the health, welfare and safety of the public;
      (3)   Whenever 65% or more of all property-owners within a radius of 300 feet measured from the boundary lines of the premises object in writing to the City Clerk's office.
   (C)   Each licensee shall on demand exhibit all goods bought or received and give the name, residence and a description of the person from whom the same was purchased or received to any officer of the Police Department. He or she shall keep a record or book written in ink in the English language containing the name, residence and description of all persons from whom purchases are made.
   (D)    (1)   Each such license granted shall designate the particular place where said business is to be conducted and no licensee shall engage in said business at any place other than that so designated.
      (2)   No licensee shall purchase or receive any article:
         (a)   Between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.;
         (b)   On Sunday;
         (c)   From any person intoxicated or under the age of 17 years without written consent of parent or guardian; or
         (d)   From a person known or suspected to be a thief or a receiver of stolen property.
(Am. Ord. 888, passed 2-24-03) Penalty, see § 110.99