3.1 Zoning affects every building and use
3.2 Relationship of building to lot
3.3 Access to property
3.4 Lot of record
3.5 Open space requirement
3.6 Reduction of lot and yard areas prohibited
3.7 Water and sewer requirements
3.8 Height limitation exceptions
3.9 Building setback exceptions
3.10 Fences and walls
3.11 Accessory buildings and structures
3.12 Corner lot frontage
3.13 Double frontage lots
3.14 Front yard setbacks for dwellings
3.15 Visibility at intersections
3.16 Temporary buildings
3.17 Computing the number of multi-family type dwelling units
3.18 Curb cuts in business, office and industrial districts
3.19 Side yard provided but not required
3.20 Outside can or container washing or cleaning
3.21 Solid waste storage equipment (dumpster screening)
3.22 Outdoor lighting
3.23 Outdoor storage areas
3.24 Minimum regulations
3.25 Fees
3.26 Definitions