(A)   All uses, whether permitted or special, that are located in the area covered by the “O-FP”, Overlay District shall not only meet all the applicable requirements of the primary district, but shall also be adequately protected against flood damage.
   (B)   To assure such protection, the Administrator, following consultation with technically qualified persons, may require as necessary:
      (1)   Anchorage or addition of weight to structures to resist flotation;
      (2)   Installation of water-tight doors and bulkheads;
      (3)   Use of special paints, membranes, mortars so as to reduce seepage through walls;
      (4)   Installation of pumps to lower water levels in structures or to relieve external foundation wall flood pressure;
      (5)   Reinforcement of walls to resist rupture or collapse caused by water pressure or floating debris;
      (6)   Installation of valves or controls on sanitary and storm drains so that the drains can be closed to prevent backup of sewage or storm runoff into structures;
      (7)   Location of electrical equipment and appliances above the level of the regulatory flood elevation;
      (8)   Location of storage facilities for chemicals, explosives, flammable liquids, toxic substances and the like above the regulatory flood elevation;
      (9)   Filling and earth-moving to raise the level of proposed building site above the regulatory flood elevation; and/or
      (10)   Any other reasonable flood protection measures.
   (C)   In no case shall the Zoning Administrator approve any proposed flood protection measure which would result in an increase in the volume or velocity of floodwater leaving the lot in question.
   (D)   See Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances for the floodplain code.
(1999 Code, § 40-4-86) (Ord. 5/9/2000-1, passed 5-9-2000)