Provided all the use restrictions of the “I-1” Industrial District are observed, the following uses are permitted; see § 155.201:
   (A)   Assembly, manufacturing or processing of any commodity from semi-finished materials, provided explosives or live animals are not involved;
   (B)   Freight and bus terminals and related mass transportation facilities;
   (C)   Government uses;
   (D)   Research and development facilities not involving explosives, or flammable gases or liquids;
   (E)   Service stations (see § 155.233);
   (F)   Towers, structures and other facilities designed or intended to be used for the support, enclosure, shelter or protection of distribution equipment utilized by entities engaged in the transmission of telephone messages including, but not limited to, cellular, personal communications services, special mobile radio transmitters and any other personal wireless service;
   (G)   Warehousing or wholesaling of goods, except explosives, flammable gases or liquids, or live animals;
   (H)   Utility substations (see § 155.239); and
   (I)   Accessory uses in accordance with § 155.050.
(1999 Code, § 40-4-79) (Ord. 5/9/2000-1, passed 5-9-2000)