The following use restrictions shall apply.
   (A)   Retail only. Every commercial or service establishment located in this district shall deal directly with consumers.
   (B)   Processing incidental. Any processing or treatment of goods on any premises must be clearly incidental to the retail business conducted on such premises.
   (C)   Unenclosed activities; special use permit. In this district, a special use permit is required to conduct any commercial, service or storage activities outside a completely enclosed building.
   (D)   No drive-ins. No commercial or service establishment shall offer goods or services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles, or sell food or beverages for consumption on the premises in parked motor vehicles. Thus, service stations, drive-in restaurants and the like are excluded from this district.
   (E)   Refuse containers. All refuse generated by any establishment located within this district shall be stored in tightly-covered containers placed in visually-screened areas.
   (F)   Screening. Along the side and rear lot lines of any lot abutting any residential district, screening (a wall, solid fence or closely planted shrubbery) at least six feet high and of sufficient density to completely block the view from the adjacent residential property shall be installed.
   (H)   Signs. See §§ 155.255 through 155.267.
   (I)   Access ways. Any access way (driveway) to any off-street parking lot or loading berth shall be located at least ten feet from any lot line.
(1999 Code, § 40-4-64) (Ord. 5/9/2000-1, passed 5-9-2000)