All licensees and all vehicles used in the collection of refuse shall conform to the following requirements.
   (A)   Vehicles shall at all times be kept in a neat, clean and sanitary condition.
   (B)   Vehicles shall be kept thoroughly cleaned so that when empty they will give off no offensive or obnoxious odors.
   (C)   Vehicle beds shall be of the packer-loader type and shall be in good operating condition for all haulers who operate regularly scheduled routes collecting from individual home owners or of a covered water tight metal bed in good operating condition in all other cases.
   (D)   Vehicles shall not be overloaded.
   (E)   Vehicles shall not be parked on the public way of the village in any one place for a period longer than is necessary to dispose of the refuse of the customer being immediately served.
   (F)   Vehicles shall at all times be kept neatly painted.
   (G)   Vehicles shall be inspected under the direction of the Mayor, on or near January 1 and July 1 each year, and at such times as he or she may direct.
   (H)   The bed of any vehicle used for hauling refuse from without the limits of the village, into and over the public way of said village must comply with the regulations in this section provided. No refuse shall be brought into the county from a location outside the county without prior consent of the Village Council.
(1999 Code, § 7-7-14) (Ord. 08/12/2008-2, passed 8-12-2008) Penalty, see § 111.999