§ 155.501 PURPOSE.
   The village has adopted this chapter for the following purposes:
   (A)   Goal. To preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the community by promoting the safe, effective and efficient use of solar energy systems. The solar energy standards include:
      (1)   Encouraging the use of local renewable energy resources.
      (2)   Promoting sustainable building design and management practices to serve current and future generations.
      (3)   Assisting local businesses to lower financial and regulatory risks and improve their economic, community, and environmental sustainability.
      (4)   Efficiently investing in and managing public infrastructure systems to support development and growth.
   (B)   Infrastructure. Distributed solar photovoltaic systems will enhance the reliability and power quality of the power grid and make more efficient use of village’s electric distribution infrastructure.
   (C)   Local resource. Solar energy is an underused local energy resource and encouraging the use of solar energy will diversify the community’s energy supply portfolio and reduce exposure to fiscal risks associated with fossil fuels.
   (D)   Improve competitive markets. Solar energy systems offer additional energy choice to consumers and will improve competition in the electricity and natural gas supply market.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-14-2023)