(A)   All employees shall comply with this policy and shall report material violations or suspected violations of law or policy.
   (B)   All reports of illegal and dishonest activities will be promptly submitted to the Auditing Official who is responsible for investigating and coordinating corrective action.
   (C)   If an employee has knowledge of, or a concern of, improper governmental action, the employee shall as soon as practicable make a written report of the activity to the Auditing Official. The employee must exercise sound judgment when making a report to avoid baseless allegations. Anyone filing a report concerning a violation or suspected violation shall do so only in good faith and with reasonable grounds to believe the information reported indicates a violation. Any allegations later shown to be unsubstantiated or false, if proven to have been made maliciously or knowingly (i.e., with knowledge or reckless disregard), shall be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense. An employee who intentionally files a false report of wrongdoing will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
   (D)   The whistleblower is not responsible for investigating the activity or for determining fault or corrective measures; a designated Auditing Official is charged with these responsibilities.
(Ord. 2021-16, passed 9-14-2021)