(A)   Drive-in windows maintained and operated on premises duly licensed for the sale of alcoholic liquors within the corporate limits of the City shall be adequately lighted during business hours by natural or artificial white light so that all persons or vehicles transacting business at such windows shall be clearly visible. From sunset until closing time, said drive-in windows shall be directly lighted by no less than two (2), 300-watt incandescent lamps or their equivalent, spaced at least eight (8) feet apart, located directly over or near said drive-in window, with light rays so directed as to most effectively light the outside area immediately adjacent to said window.
   (B)   In order to enforce this section, the City shall have the right to require the filing with it of plans, drawings, and photographs showing the lighting as above required. This paragraph shall constitute an additional regulation of premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic liquors.
   (C)   Only “package sales” are permitted at drive-in windows.
   (D)   Only a licensee having a Package and Consumption Sales License or Package Sales license shall maintain and operate a drive-in window at which alcoholic liquors are sold.
(Prior Code, Art. 6, § 6.15)