(A)   The death of a licensee, termination of a partnership, dissolution of a corporation, or bankruptcy of a licensee shall cause the license to cease to exist provided that the executor or administrator of the estate of any deceased licensee may continue the business of the sale of alcoholic liquor under order of the appropriate court and may exercise the privileges of the deceased or insolvent or bankrupt licensee after the death of such decedent or such insolvency or such bankruptcy until the expiration of such bankruptcy, or insolvency of such licensee.
   (B)   (1)   A licensee who will be ceasing to do business or who closes his or her place of business for more than ten (10) days shall give the Local Liquor Control Commissioner written notice of such cessation or closing as soon as practical after the decision to close or cease business is made, but in any event before the cessation or closing. Such notice shall state the reason therefor and the date of closing or cessation.
      (2)   Any licensee who ceases to do business or closes his or her place of business for a period of more than thirty (30) successive days and who fails to show good cause shall be subject to having his or her license suspended, revoked, or a fine imposed.
(Prior Code, Art. 6, § 6.13)