(A)   There is established an Auxiliary Police Unit for the city.
   (B)   The City Manager shall be the executive head of the Auxiliary Police Unit with the Chief of Police, they shall make all appointments and removals of auxiliary police officers, subject to general regulations prescribed by Council, and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the organization, training, administration, control and conduct of the Auxiliary Police Unit.
   (C)   Each officer in the Auxiliary Police Unit shall have the same police powers as a full-time patrol officers of the city’s Police Department.
   (D)   Auxiliary police officers performing traffic duty at and for the benefit of private business locations shall be deemed independent contractors and shall be under the control and compensation of the private business being served.
   (E)   When performing regular police duties at the direction of the City Manager or the Chief of Police, the auxiliary police officers shall be paid a rate of compensation as set by legislative authority, payable semi-monthly.
   (F)   No one shall be appointed as an auxiliary police officer without first being certified by the Director of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Council as provided by R.C. § 109.77.
(‘74 Code, § 33.06) (Ord. 395-A, passed 9-7-71; Am. Ord. 93-1078, passed 9-7-93)
Statutory reference:
   City auxiliary police, see R.C. § 124.41