A warrant, summons, or notice of a peace officer shall either contain a copy of the affidavit, or recite the substance of the accusation. A warrant shall be directed to a specific officer or to a department designated by its chief, and shall command such officer or member of department to take the accused and bring him forthwith before the magistrate or court issuing such warrant, to be dealt with according to law. A summons shall be directed to the officer or department, and shall command him to notify the accused by serving a copy of such summons upon him. The following form of warrant is sufficient:
   The State of Ohio
   ...............County, ss:
   To the Sheriff (other Officer):
      Whereas there has been filed with me an affidavit of which the following is a copy (here copy) or the substance, (here set forth the substance, omitting formal parts). These are therefore to command you to take the said E. F., if he is found in your county, or if he is not found in your county, that you pursue after him in any other county in this state and take and safely keep the E. F. so that you have his body forthwith before me or some other magistrate of said county to answer the said complaint and be further dealt with according to law.
   Given under my hands this .......day of ......., 19....
         A. B., Judge of ........................Court
         Clerk of ........................Court
   The following form of summons is sufficient:
   The State of Ohio,.............County, ss:
   To the Bailiff or...................Constable:
      Whereas there has been filed before me an Affidavit (Complaint) of which the following is a copy (copy here) or the substance (here set forth the substance, omitting formal parts). You are commanded to summons one said E. F. to appear before me on the .......day of ...., 19...., at .....o’clock, ....M., at ..........Building, .........Ohio, to answer said charge.
      You will make due return of this summons forthwith upon service.
            A. B., Judge of ...............Court
            Clerk of ...............Court
(R.C. § 2935.18) (‘74 Code, § 32.21)