(A)   City Council shall have the power and authority to designate, by resolution, fire lanes upon
private property in the city which is regularly used by third parties not the owner or owners thereof.
   (B)   The designation shall not be made with respect to any such parcel until Council shall have determined that it is in the best interest of the residents of the city to make such designation with respect to such parcel.
   (C)   The designation shall not be made with respect to any parcel until Council shall have given written notice to the owner or owners of such parcel and an opportunity for a public hearing thereon, or until Council shall have received written consent from, or on behalf of, such owner or owners.
   (D)   The notice referred to in division (C) of this section shall be sufficient if sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to the tax mailing address of such owner or owners, or to such other address of which the owner or owners may have notified the city in writing.
   (E)   The notice referred to in division (C) of this section shall contain a statement describing the proposed resolution, and the date upon which the public hearing will be held.
   (F)   Upon passage of any such resolution designating fire lanes upon private property, the city shall cause and direct the City Fire Chief or, if the City Fire Chief is unavailable, the City Fire Inspector, to inspect such private property to determine the location of the fire lanes and the location of signs designating such fire lanes and prohibiting parking therein, and to advise Council of such determination.
   (G)   The city shall inform the property owner or owners of the location of the fire lanes and fire lane signs as determined above, and thereupon the property owner or owners shall be obligated to erect signs designating fire lanes and prohibiting parking therein, at the locations designated as set out in division (F) of this section, at the expense of the property owner or owners.
   (H)   After erection of the signs referred to in division (G) of this section, the police may enter such private property from time to time to inspect and enforce compliance with the parking prohibition. Violation of such parking prohibition shall be treated as, and be deemed an offense in the same manner as, a violation of such a parking prohibition on a public street in the city.
('74 Code, § 76.16) (Ord. 91-981, passed 5-21-91)