(A)   Fees are hereby assessed for refuse collection and curbside recycling within the limits of the city as follows:
      (1)   Each residential household unit shall be charged a sum per quarter as established by the City Manager.
      (2)   Each nonresidential unit shall be charged a sum per quarter as established by the City Manager.
      (3)   Payment is required on or before the date printed on the bill.
      (4)   All units will be billed regardless of occupancy.
      (5)   Residents who have delinquent bills that are not paid within 60 days will be ordered to appear before the Clerk.
   (B)   The city shall bill said fees to the landowners quarterly, or more or less often as the City Manager may direct.
   (C)   Any bill that has not been paid within the time allowed by the Greater Cincinnati Water Works shall be subject to late charges in the same amount as is applied to all late City of Cincinnati consumer's water charges, until the entire amount due (including accrued late charges) has been paid in full.
   (D)   For all one-to-four family residential properties (that is, land containing one-to-four residential household units in a common ownership) Rumpke, Inc. shall be the exclusive agency for refuse collection, unless the landowner has made other arrangements to which Rumpke, Inc. has given its consent. However, any such arrangements shall provide for on-site recycling receptacles, either by means of a separate recycling dumpster or curbside recycling. If any such arrangement does not provide for such on-site recycling, then the landowner shall be responsible for such fees as may be imposed by the city to provide for curbside recycling for the premises. The owners of residential properties having more than four residential household units in a common ownership may provide for alternate arrangements for refuse collection, provided such arrangements shall provide for on-site recycling receptacles, either by means of a separate recycling dumpster or curbside recycling. If any such arrangement does not provide for such on-site recycling, then the landowner shall be responsible for such fees as may be imposed by the city to provide for curbside recycling for the premises. Upon presentation of proof of such alternate arrangements, the landowner shall be exempt from the fees imposed by division (A) above for the duration of such alternative arrangements, except insofar as fees for recycling are imposed by the city pursuant to the provisions of this section. Any such recycling charges shall be subject to the provisions of division (B) above.
   (E)   Installation and screening of any dumpster shall require the prior approval of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 92-1030, passed 6-2-92; Am. Ord. 92-1047, passed 12-15-92; Am. Ord. 98-1245, passed 3-17-98; Am. Ord. 00-1312, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 09-1553, passed 7-21-09; Am. Ord. 14-1692, passed 1-7-14)
   (F)   The Finance Director is authorized to annually, before the first day in September, certify to the County Auditor the names of the property owners and a description of their lands which are delinquent as to their waste disposal service charges as levied by this section, or any amendments and any delinquent charges which have been incurred up to the date of certification, together with a 10% cost of collections per charge. The Finance Director shall place the charges upon the tax duplicate for the ensuing December installment of taxes for collection. The provisions of this division (F) shall not alter in any way the authority of the Law Director to institute legal proceedings to enforce collection of existing delinquent accounts or of these delinquencies if necessary. The Finance Director shall establish written procedures for notifying property owners of the delinquency and allowing the property owners a limited period of time to cure the delinquency before the delinquent list is certified to the County Auditor.
(Ord. 96-1196, passed 7-2-96; Am. Ord. 02-1386, passed 3-19-02; Am. Ord. 03-1419, passed 4-15-03)