(A)   Any person, upon written request and as provided in this section, may obtain reasonable advance notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public business is scheduled to be discussed.
   (B)   Such person may file a written request with the Clerk specifying: the person’s name, and the address and telephone number at or through which the person can be reached during and outside of business hours; the specific type of public business the discussion of which the person is requesting advance notification; the municipal body that is the subject of the request; and the number of calendar months (not to exceed twelve) which the request covers. The request may be cancelled by request from such person to the Clerk.
   (C)   Each such written request must be accompanied by cash, or a check or money order payable to the city in the amount of $2 for each month covered by the request. This amount has been determined by the Council to represent a reasonable fee to cover costs of providing such advance notification.
   (D)   These requests may be modified or extended only by filing a complete new request with the Clerk. A request shall not be deemed to be made unless it is complete in all respects, and the request may be conclusively relied on by the city, or municipal body which is the subject of the request, and the Clerk.
   (E)   The Clerk shall if possible give such advance notification under this section by written notification. If such written notification cannot be given or has not been given, the Clerk shall give oral notification.
   (F)   The contents of written notification under division (E) may be a copy of the agenda of the meeting. Written notification under division (E) may be accomplished by giving advance written notification, by copies of the agendas, of all meetings of the municipal body that is the subject of such request.
(‘74 Code, § 30.24) (Ord. 510-A, passed - -76)