§ 37.06 SICK LEAVE.
   (A)   Full-time (2080 hours per year) employees shall be entitled to 15 sick days per year. Unused sick leave shall be cumulative without limit. Upon retirement from active service with the city, and with ten or more years of service with the city, the state or political subdivision, an employee shall be paid in cash for one-fourth the value of his or her accrued but unused sick leave credit. This payment shall be made in three equal annual installments, except that if the first installment is less than 30 days credit, an employee may take up to 30 days in the first installment, and the balance of the payment, if any, shall be paid in two equal annual installments.
   (B)   In the event a full-time (2080 hours per year) employee dies, the payment or payments shall be made to such person as the employee designates as his or her beneficiary on a written “designation of beneficiary,” form signed by the employee and filed with the Finance Director. If no designation of beneficiary form is filed with the Finance Director then the payments shall be made to the executor or administrator of the deceased employee’s estate or, if the estate is fully administered or is relieved from administration, to the person or persons designated by the court as the proper parties to receive the assets of the deceased employee.
   (C)   The Chief of Police shall receive an annual uniform and equipment allowance of $600. The city shall either pay uniforms and equipment bills directly or reimburse officers for actual expenses up to the amount of the allowance.
(‘74 Code, § 35.23) (Ord. 99-1285, passed 4-20-99; Am. Ord. 00-1309, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 00-1339, passed 4-4-00)