308.1 Infestation. All structures shall be kept free from insect and rodent infestation. All structures in which insects or rodents are found shall promptly exterminated by approved processes that will not be injurious to human health. After extermination, proper precautions shall be taken to prevent reinfestation.
   308.2 Owner. The owner of any structure shall be responsible for extermination within the structure prior to renting or leasing the structure.
   308.3 Single occupant. The occupant of a one- family dwelling or of a single-tenant nonresidential structure shall be responsible for extermination on the premises.
   308.4 Multiple occupancy. The owner of a structure containing two or more dwelling units, a multiple occupancy, a rooming house or a nonresidential structure shall be responsible for extermination in the public or shared areas of the structure and exterior property. If infestation is caused by failure of an occupant to prevent such infestation in the area occupied, the occupant shall be responsible for extermination.
   308.5 Occupant. The occupant of any structure shall be responsible for the continued rodent and pest- free condition of the structure.
      Exception: Where the infestations are caused by defects in the structure, the owner shall be responsible for extermination.
(Ord. 03-1429, passed 10-7-03)