It shall be the duty of the Chief Building Official to make, or cause to be made, a final inspection and examination of all buildings or structures included under the various classifications of this Building Code, hereafter erected, constructed, altered, repaired or added to, before any such building or structure is occupied, and if such a building has been found to have been constructed in conformity to the provisions of this Building Code, to issue a written certificate thereof to the owner as set forth below.
(A) Certificate of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained by the owner or his agent before which time it shall be unlawful to occupy a building. The owner or agent will be subject to penalties provided in this Building Code if he allows the building to be occupied before final inspection has been made and a certificate of occupancy has been issued. Temporary occupancy may be authorized as provided hereunder.
(B) Compliance with other codes. A certificate of occupancy shall be issued only when the owner or builder has complied with all provisions of this Building Code, and any other regulations controlling all or any portion of work requiring approval for safe and legal occupancy.
(C) Work in public right-of-way. Where work in the public right-of-way is necessary to bring the improvements located therein up to the standards of the city as established by the office of City Engineer, such work shall be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. This work shall include sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm sewers and appurtenances, and street paving. All work in the public right-of-way shall be done in conformance with the specifications and standards established by the City Engineer and on file in the office of City Engineer. The work required to be done in the public right-of-way may be deferred for good reason such as when general street improvements are acceptable to the City Engineer to assure the completion of such work at a later date are provided.
(D) Cost of engineering services. Where engineering services are furnished in connection with any improvement other than inspection and approval, the cost of such services shall be paid to the city. Such cost shall be the City Engineer’s estimate as based on published fees by the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers.
(E) Temporary certificate of occupancy. The Chief Building Official may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for a specific time when a building or structure has been substantially completed so that its occupancy would not be hazardous or detrimental to the general welfare, and when full compliance with all applicable codes and permits has not been achieved, and when there are valid reasons for allowing such occupancy on a temporary basis. Delay of outside concrete work because of cold weather is an example of a valid reason. Where a temporary certificate of occupancy is requested by an owner or his agent, the Chief Building Official shall require that the owner, and other interested party such as a tenant, sign a statement guaranteeing full completion of all Building Code regulated items before expiration of the specified time and an agreement to the cut-off of any or all utility services without recourse from the date of expiration of the temporary certificate of occupancy until all work is satisfactorily completed.
(‘74 Code, § 150.45)
(F) Change of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy shall be required for each building or structure whenever its use is changed from one occupancy class to another, or for a part of a building or structure, where its use is changed. Inspections shall be made in every case. The Chief Building Official shall direct all interested agencies to make inspections within their several jurisdictions and attest to full compliance before a certificate of occupancy is issued. The owner shall be obligated to make application for all certificate of occupancy inspections and pay all charges for same. The owner shall make his premises comply to this Building Code before allowing this change of occupancy. See Fees § 150.103.
(‘74 Code, § 150.65)