(A)   General. The drawings and specifications submitted with the application for a permit shall be lettered, giving the name and address of the owner of the building, the purposes for which the building or structure is to be used, its location, and the name and address of the architect, engineer, or other person by whom the drawings and specifications were prepared. A minimum of three sets of drawings and specifications shall be submitted. When quality of materials is essential for conformity to this Building Code, specific information shall be given to establish such quality; and in no case shall this Building Code be cited or the term “legal”, or its equivalent, be used as a substitute for specific information. The Chief Building Official may waive the requirement for filing drawings when the work involved is of a minor nature.
(‘74 Code, § 150.20)
   (B)   Requirements. The drawings to be filed for buildings, structures, and supporting service equipment shall be consistent with those requirements as stated in the latest adopted edition of the Ohio Basic Building Code or as required by the Chief Building Official.
   (C)   Alterations and erasures; exception. It shall be unlawful to erase, alter, or modify any lines, figures, coloring, written or printed matter contained upon any drawing or in any specification or statement filed with the Chief Building Official after it has been approved by him except as follows: If during the process of the execution of the work or prior thereto, it is desired to deviate in any manner affecting the construction of other essential or vital feature of the work from the terms of the application, drawings, specifications, or statement, notice of such intention, to alter or deviate, shall be given in writing to the Chief Building Official and his written consent shall be obtained before such alteration or deviation may be made. If such change or deviation affects the bearing or structural parts of such work or its class of occupancy, new plans and specifications therefor shall be submitted for approval. Notices of alterations and approvals thereof shall be filed with the original application for permit.
   (D)   Plot plan and/or location plan.
      (1)   The plot plan shall consist of a plan of the lot site upon which it is intended to build, erect, alter or add to such building or structure, which plan shall be a property survey bearing the seal of an individual authorized by law to make such surveys in the state and shall show the location and dimensions of such lot.
      (2)   The location plan shall show the location of all easements and rights-of-way on such lot and/or all facilities installed thereon; the widths of the streets, alleys, or courtways upon which the lot or site abuts; the sidewalk and curb lines thereof; fire hydrant, the amount of space on such street or alley that will be used when such space is desired for the storage of building materials and rubbish; the location of any building or structure on the lot; the plan of the first story in heavy lines and all projections in their extremes in broken lines; the dimensions of the body of the building, its extreme projections and the distance thereof from the adjoining street or lot lines and the distance between the building or structure and any other building or structure on the same lot or site. The plot plan may be combined with the location plan, and such plans shall be drawn to a uniform scale, and the scale and compass points shall be legibly marked on the plan. Where the plot plan indicates a conflict with an easement, right-of-way, or facility of a public utility or public authority, the Chief Building Official shall notify the utility or authority concerned and allow seven days interval before issuing a permit to allow the utility or authority to contest the applicant’s right to build as proposed.
      (3)   If existing streets, alleys, sidewalks, public right-of-ways, and/or public properties are required for use as storage areas, and/or construction areas, for work approved under a permit issued, it shall be necessary for the applicant to request, in writing, for the use of the public areas, as stipulated above, and to include, but not limit his request to his intent, extent and time span for said use. If approved by the Chief Building Official, or his authorized representative, it shall be understood herein that said applicant shall be liable for any and all makes or manner of activities, within the public area, he has requested to use, as per the time of use stipulated.
      (4)   For the purpose of this section the record plan for a subdivision or plat may be used as the required plot plan, provided that it bears the required seal and provided further that the outlines of the building or structure are shown on the appropriate lot with dimensions to show its exact location with respect to the lot lines.
   (E)   Grading information. This Building Code shall require grading information determining existing and proposed grades of the floors of buildings and outside earth placement in relation to public streets, sewers, storm drainage lines, and adjoining properties.
   (F)   Specifications of materials to be used. Each set of drawings submitted for a permit shall be accompanied by a set of specifications describing all the materials to be used and the work contemplated to be done, except where the Chief Building Official determines that the proposed project is of a simple nature and such information shall not be required.
(‘74 Code, § 150.22)