The downtown area is currently zoned B-1. For purposes of the this chapter only, this area is broken into two additional areas to be treated differently from the rest of B-1. These two additional areas are henceforth referred to as the Downtown Business District (DBD) and the Downtown Commercial District (DCD). The boundaries for these additional districts are shown on Exhibit A, attached to original Ordinance 1274, passed August 16, 1993.
   (a)    Downtown Business District. The Downtown Business District (DBD) is the historic center of the community and the area that is the focal point of the Municipality. For this reason, it is the intent of this subsection to provide the legal basis for a system of sign graphics that will facilitate pleasant visual communication.
      (1)    Signs erected in the DBD shall conform to the following regulations:
         A.    Signs shall be harmonious with and in accordance with the general architectural character of the District.
         B.    Signs shall be compatible in design and material with the buildings on which or in front of which the sign is to be located.
         C.    Only traditional signs made of materials typically in use before 1900 shall be permitted within the DBD. All signs within the DBD shall be reviewed by the Downtown Design Review Board. If approved by the Board, a sign authorized under a sign permit shall be erected within six months or the permit becomes void.
         D.    Signs may be externally illuminated but not internally.
         E.    The area of all permanent signs for any single building shall be equivalent to one and one-half square feet of sign area for each linear foot of width of the building, but shall not exceed a maximum area of fifty square feet.
      (2)    The following types of signs shall be permitted in the DBD, subject to review and approval of a sign permit:
         A.   Wall signs.
            1.    One principal wall sign shall be permitted on the business establishment which it represents. One secondary wall sign is permitted where a business establishment has frontage on another street or where there is a rear entrance commonly used by the public. If two separate signs are utilized, the total sign area may not exceed the maximum allowed for a single wall sign.
            2.    The maximum size shall be 100 percent of the total allowable.
         B   . Directory signs. Each building may have one directory sign, in addition to the above wall sign, that shall provide not more than two square feet of area for each building occupant. Directory signs shall be mounted flat against the face of a building like a wall sign.
         C.    Projecting signs. One projecting sign shall be allowed for each business establishment occupying a building, subject to the following conditions:
            1.   The maximum size shall be forty percent of the total allowable.
            2.    The minimum clearance to grade shall be eight feet. Under awning or canopy signs, the minimum clearance is six feet, eight inches.
            3.    The maximum horizontal projection from the face of the building shall be six feet.
            4.    Projecting signs shall not extend beyond five feet back of the curbline.
            5.    Projecting signs may not project above the roof line of the building to which they are attached.
         D.    Awnings and canopies.
            1.    No awning or canopy may extend beyond two feet back of the curbline.
            2.    All awnings and canopies shall be erected so that their lowest point is at least eight feet above the sidewalk.
            3.    No advertising message shall be placed on any awning or canopy. The name and/or address of the business may be placed on the apron of the awning or canopy in letters or numbers not to exceed twelve inches in height. Lettering on an awning or canopy shall be considered as part of the maximum wall sign area permitted for each building or structure.
            4.    One double-faced nameplate may be suspended from below an awning or canopy perpendicular to the store front. This nameplate shall be centered at the centerline of the canopy. The area of this sign shall be counted toward the allowable area of a projecting sign.
         E.    Window signs. The maximum area shall be forty percent of the windows.
         F.   Ground signs.
            1.    Ground signs are permitted only when the face of the building is set back a minimum of fifteen feet.
            2.    One ground sign is permitted per each lot or parcel of fifty feet or more, regardless of the number of businesses on that lot.
            3.    The maximum sign height shall be six feet above grade.
            4.    The maximum sign area shall be thirty-two square feet.
            5.    Minimum front yard setback shall be five feet back of the sidewalk or right of way.
            6.    The minimum side yard setback shall be ten feet.
            7.    When signs are illuminated, lighting shall be sheltered from an adjoining residential district.
            8.    A landscaped area totalling a minimum of fifty square feet shall be provided, centered around the base of all free-standing and ground-mounted signs. This landscaped area shall be comprised of a variety of natural materials, including, but not limited to, shrubs, hedges, trees, plants, turf, earth mounds, annual and perennial flowers and groundcovers. Turf shall be limited to a maximum fifty percent of the total landscaped area. The use of evergreen materials is strongly recommended.
         G.    Product signs. Product signs may be displayed on the inside of building windows only. Maximum window coverage shall be twenty-five percent of the total window area, including any permanent window signs.
         H.    Incidental signs. Incidental signs shall not exceed four square feet each and sixteen square feet in total area for any business and shall contain no advertising messages.
         I.    Banners. Permanent banners are prohibited. A temporary banner is permitted without review if it is displayed for less than thirty days.
   (b)    Downtown Commercial District. The Downtown Commercial District (DCD) is the historic center of the community and the area that is the focal point of the Municipality. For this reason, it is the intent of this subsection to provide the legal basis for a system of sign graphics that will facilitate pleasant visual communication.
      (1)    Signs erected in the DCD shall conform to the following regulations:
         A.    Signs shall be harmonious with and in accordance with the general architectural character of the District.
         B.   Signs shall be compatible in design and material with the buildings on which or in front of which the sign is to be located.
         C.    Only traditional signs made of materials typically in use before 1900 shall be permitted within the DCD. All signs within the DCD shall be reviewed by the Downtown Design Review Board. If approved by the Board, a sign authorized under a sign permit shall be erected within six months or the permit becomes void.
         D.    Signs may be externally illuminated but not internally.
         E.    The area of all permanent signs for any single building shall be equivalent to one and one-half square feet of sign area for each linear foot of width of the building, but shall not exceed a maximum area of 100 square feet. In the DCD, each business shall be permitted one wall-mounted sign based on the one and one-half square feet of sign area per linear foot of building frontage occupied by the business, even though the total area of all wall-mounted signs may exceed the 100 square foot total for the entire building frontage. This shall apply as well to the integrated shopping and office areas. This shall in no way affect the limitations imposed on total square footage.
         F.    In the case of a corner lot, either frontage may be used to calculate maximum signage, but the primary sign shall be erected on the face of the building facing the traditional front entry.
      (2)    The following types of signs shall be permitted in the DCD, subject to review and approval of a sign permit:
         A.   Wall signs.
            1.    One principal wall sign shall be permitted on the business establishment which it represents. One secondary wall sign is permitted where a business establishment has frontage on another street or where there is a rear entrance commonly used by the public. If two separate signs are utilized, the total sign area may not exceed the maximum allowed for a single wall sign.
            2.    The maximum size shall be 100 percent of the total allowable.
         B.    Directory signs. Each building may have one directory sign, in addition to the above wall sign, that shall provide not more than two square feet of area for each building occupant. Directory signs shall be mounted flat against the face of a building like a wall sign.
         C.    Projecting signs. One projecting sign shall be allowed for each business establishment occupying a building, subject to the following conditions:
            1.    The maximum size shall be forty percent of the total allowable.
            2.    The minimum clearance to grade shall be eight feet. Under awning or canopy signs, the minimum clearance is six feet, eight inches.
            3. The maximum horizontal projection from the face of the building shall be six feet.
            4.    Projecting signs shall not extend beyond two feet back of the curbline.
            5.    Projecting signs may not project above the roof line of the building to which they are attached.
         D.    Awnings and canopies.
            1.    No awning or canopy shall extend beyond two feet back of the curbline.
            2.    All awnings and canopies shall be erected so that their lowest point is at least eight feet above the sidewalk.
            3.    No advertising message shall be placed on any awning or canopy, except the name and/or address of the business in letters or numbers not to exceed twelve inches in height. Lettering on an awning or canopy shall be considered as part of the maximum wall sign area permitted for each building or structure.
            4.    One double-faced nameplate may be suspended from below an awning or canopy perpendicular to the store front. This nameplate shall be centered at the centerline of the canopy. The area of this sign shall be counted toward the allowable area of a projecting sign.
         E.    Window signs. The maximum area shall not exceed forty percent of the windows.
         F.    Ground signs. Ground signs are not permitted in the DCD.
         G.    Product signs. Product signs may be displayed on the inside of building windows only. The maximum window coverage shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total window area, including any permanent window signs.
         H.   Incidental signs. Incidental signs shall not exceed four square feet each and sixteen square feet in total area for any business and shall contain no advertising messages.
         I.    Banners. Permanent banners are prohibited. A temporary banner is permitted without review if it is displayed for less than thirty days. Light pole banners as approved by the Village are excluded from this requirement.
(Ord. 1274. Passed 8-16-93.)