The following shall be permitted for business and industrial uses (B-1 and M1 Districts):
(a) Each business or industry shall be permitted one on-premises wall or one projecting sign for each face of a building facing a street. Projecting signs shall not exceed six feet, measured from the face of the building, shall not have more than fifty square feet on any one face of the sign and shall not project over the street right of way. Wall signs shall not exceed an area equivalent to one and one-half square feet of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage, but in no case shall such signs exceed an area of 100 square feet.
(b) In addition to the above, each business or industry shall be permitted one ground sign on the premises, provided that all parts of the sign shall be set back five feet from street right of way or thirty feet from the street centerline, whichever is greater. The maximum area of such sign shall be fifty square feet on any face of the sign.
(c) In addition to the above, each business or industry shall be permitted one small, on-premises free-standing or portable advertising sign not exceeding five feet in height or twelve square feet in area on any face of the sign. Such sign shall not be located in any street right of way.
(d) In lieu of the permitted ground signs as provided in subsection (b) hereof, groups or establishments of four or more businesses shall be permitted one larger ground sign for the use of all businesses. Such sign shall not exceed eighty square feet on any face or exceed thirty feet in height and shall be set back at least ten feet from the street right of way.
(Ord. 1186. Passed 8-20-90.)