The extraction, storage and processing of minerals, clay, sand and gravel shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of this section:
(a) Extraction, storage and processing of minerals of all types shall be permitted in districts as specified in the use regulations of this Zoning Code.
(b) The performance standards of Section 1155.02 shall be met.
(c) Mineral extraction, storage or processing shall not be conducted closer than 500 feet from any “R” District; nor closer than 100 feet from any structure used for human occupancy in any district.
(d) Buildings and structures for which no future use is contemplated and for which no other acceptable use is practicable or feasible shall be demolished and removed.
(e) Excavated areas shall be re-graded to remove abrupt and precipitous slopes and barren areas shall be planted with suitable materials to adequately control erosion. Where such grading is impracticable because of rock formations, the excavated area shall be enclosed by a fence six feet in height, which shall be maintained in good condition.
(Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)