When a lot which is an official platted lot of the Village, as recorded at the time of adoption of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 1054, passed December 2, 1985), does not comply with the area, yard or other requirements of this Zoning Code, such lot may be used as a building site. However, the yard and other requirements of the district shall be complied with as closely as possible considering the conditions present on the lot and in the opinion of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (a)   Subject to compliance with provisions of this section, a lot in a district which permits residential uses, having a width less than that required by Section 1145.03 (Lot Area and Width), but having at least 80% of the minimum lot area required by Section 1145.03 (Lot Area and Width), and existing as such on the effective date of this chapter in any “R” district, may be used for the erection of a single family dwelling even though its area and width are less than the minimum requirements set forth herein. Each side yard shall be a minimum of six feet.
   (b)   Where two adjacent lots of record with less than the required area and width are held by one owner, the Board may require that the lot be combined and used for one main building. In either case, the prevailing setback shall be met. Where three or more contiguous unimproved lots of record with less than the required area and width are held by one owner, the Board may require replatting to fewer lots to permit compliance with minimum yard requirements.
(Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)