(a) A planned development project shall generally conform to any adopted Village plans and any standards proposed therein, and shall be compatible with and not adversely affect adjacent and other property in the area.
(b) In a PD Planned Development District, the physical relation of structures and their yard space shall be determined in accordance with one or a combination of the following methods:
(1) The lot and yard requirements of the zoning district specified as most appropriate or similar to the type of structure;
(2) State Health Department regulations for manufactured home parks;
(3) Specific yard and lot requirements (made a part of the development plan text) prepared by the developer and approved by Council even though the use of the land, the location and height of buildings to be erected in the area and the yards and open space contemplated by the plan do not conform in all respects to the district regulations of the district in which the project is located; or
(4) Arrangement in accordance with a map plan of the site, showing the arrangement of the site and structures and approved by Council.
(c) Zero Lot Line Concept. All zero lot line buildings shall be no more than a two-family unit. Each unit shall meet the fire code requirements of the State. The architectural style and color selection shall be uniform for both units. The design of the unit shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Should alterations be needed, a joint agreement between both owners shall be secured and approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)