(a) An empty and clean bottle, available on-site, shall be used for composite sampling.
(b) Commercial drivers shall select one of the numbered, clean sample bottles from the white refrigerator (known specifically as an “incubator”) and shall fill it during the unloading process as described below.
(c) There is a special dipper (sampling tool) available for this sampling effort. It is a long, plastic pole with a container on the end. This should be used to grab the three small samples for the composite sample bottle as described below.
(d) A representative composite sample shall be made as follows:
(1) The sample bottle shall be filled one-third (1/3) with a dipper grab sample of the wastewater taken immediately after discharge begins. Then the dipper shall be emptied.
(2) When the truck is approximately half-empty, the second grab sample should be taken and used to fill the sample bottle to the second third (2/3) mark. Then the dipper shall be emptied again.
(3) When the hauled wastewater vehicle is nearly empty, one last dipper grab sample should be taken to fill up the sample bottle.
(e) When the sample bottle is filled with the third sample, it should be closed with the lid provided.
(f) The sample bottle should be wiped clean and given to the wastewater staff.
(g) The driver must record the sample bottle number on the manifest form.
(h) The driver should dispose of paper towels, gloves, or any other debris in the trash can located inside the facility. None of this trash should be allowed to fall into the discharge ports.
(i) RVs are not required to sample their loads.
(Ord. 1587. Passed 11-19-07.)