(a) Any new SRF discharge candidate shall make an appointment with the SRF Administrator at (419) 946-1931. Appointments will be made for receiving the first loads with any new SRF users. First loads will be scheduled for specific unloading times between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
(b) Waste analyses will be run as necessary to determine the acceptability and treatability of any new waste steam to our existing treatment processes. Potential new users may be held responsible for analytical fees where the cost will be large in order to demonstrate acceptability of the material.
(c) All commercial haulers are required to take representative samples of their loads when discharging in order for the Village to run analyses as necessary to satisfy all of the materials' acceptability.
(d) Commercial haulers must submit quarterly analyses performed by State-certified laboratories for all routine commercial wastewater being delivered to the SRF. Said quarterly reports are to accurately represent the materials being generated at the source.
(Ord. 1587. Passed 11-19-07.)