The following shall be the permissible locations for utility poles, fire hydrants, signs, posts, poles, trees and all other obstructions, except mailboxes, within the right of way of public streets within the Village:
   (a)   Along sections of streets without curbs, utility poles may be placed not nearer than ten feet from the closest portion of the paved roadway.
   (b)   Along sections of streets with curbs, utility poles may be placed in the right of way but in no instance closer than three feet to the curb.
   (c)   Along sections of streets with or without curbs, no trees or other ornamental plants or shrubs shall be planted without permission of Council.
   (d)   Along sections of streets without curbs, fire hydrants, water utility fixtures, sanitary sewer pumping stations, gas meters and gas valves may be located notcloser than fifteen feet to the closest portion of the paved roadway.
   (e)   Along sections of streets with curbs, fire hydrants, water utility fixtures, sanitary sewer pumping stations, gas meters and gas valves may be located not closer thanthree feet from the curb.
   (f)   Along sections of streets without curbs, traffic signs, corporate signs, safety signs, street name posts and all other public signs of any nature may be located not less than ten feet from the closest portion of the paved roadway.
   (g)   Along sections of streets with curbs, traffic signs, corporate signs, safety signs, street name posts and all other public signs of any nature may be placed not closer than three feet from the curb.
   (h)   Along sections of streets with and without curbs, no private sign, post, fixture, obstruction, marker, cable or other private obstruction of any sort, with the exception of mailboxes, shall be permitted.
(Ord. 788. Passed 10-18-71.)