All tanks for oil storage shall be erected and maintained outside the corporate limits of the Village. In no instance shall storage tanks be permitted closer than 200 feet to any building of any type within the corporate limits of the Village.
   Council may, in its discretion, allow any permittee to lay the pipeline from his drilling site to his oil tank storage area on public property. A plot must be submitted at the time application for a drilling permit is made showing clearly the location of the drilling site, location of the oil tank storage area and location of the pipeline between the drilling site and oil tank storage area. Council must approve the location of such line and may, in its discretion, require a change of route for such pipeline, in whole or in part.
   Council may require the permittee, prior to actual laying of a pipeline, to deposit with the Village Clerk a sum of money considered adequate to restore all property in the path of the pipeline to the same condition it was prior to laying the pipeline. The cost of laying and maintaining the pipeline shall be borne entirely by the permittee. Upon restoring property in the path of the pipeline to the condition it was prior to laying the pipeline, the deposit will be returned to the permittee on order of Council. If any portion of the job of restoring property to proper condition is considered inadequate, Council may, on notice to the permittee of his failure, proceed to have the work done and use the deposit to pay any expense of any type incurred in restoring the property to its original condition.
(Ord. 623. Passed 3-2-64.)